Andrew Goddard – Online Bibliography

Andrew Goddard – Online Bibliography

This page seeks to bring together my various writings in one place with an online bibliography

Last Updated on 12 November, 2024 by Andrew Goddard

A searchable database of the articles is available in both a grid and a gallery format (see also below at end of the listing)

Review — Hays & Hays, The Widening of God’s Mercy (12th November 2024)
Asserting, Not Explaining, A Changed Mind
(TLC Review of Christopher B. Hays and Richard B. Hays, The Widening of God’s Mercy: Sexuality within the Biblical Story) (10th November 2024)
Extended Review of Christopher B. Hays and Richard B. Hays, The Widening of God’s Mercy: Sexuality within the Biblical Story (Yale University Press, 2024) (1st November 2024, PDF).
Does God’s widening mercy contradict biblical sexual ethics? (1st November 2024).
The Archbishop of Canterbury, PLF, Truth and Trust (extended version, PDF) (25th October 2024).
The Archbishop of Canterbury, PLF, Truth and Trust (25th October 2024).
Is the Archbishop of Canterbury misleading everyone about the Prayers of Love and Faith (PLF)? (15th October 2024).
Choosing Bishops: A Failure to Discern? (20th September 2024)
CNC, Women Bishops and LLF (4th September 2024, extended version, PDF)
Is the Church in an episcopal stalemate? (4th September 2024)
Playing Fast and Loose with Prayers of Love and Faith? (6th August 2024, extended version, PDF)
Playing Fast and Loose with Prayers of Love and Faith? (6th August 2024)
Episcopal Jenga (23rd July 2024)
What is now being proposed for Living in Love and Faith?: GS 2346, Synod July 2024 (21st June 2024, extended version, PDF)
What is now being proposed for Living in Love and Faith? (21st June 2024)
Resetting LLF: Whose unity? Which doctrine? (11th June 2024)
PLF: Prayers of Love and Faith? Or Persistent Leadership Failure? (29 May 2024, extended version, PDF)
PLF: Prayers of Love and Faith? Or Persistent Leadership Failure? (29 May 2024)
Seeking a Way Through LLF/PLF: Seeing the Forest Not Just the Trees (10 May 2024)
Is God ‘willing to change his mind’ (Richard Hays) on sexual ethics? (9 April 2024)
A hymn for Easter (2 April 2024)
Can we find a way forward for LLF together? (22 March 2024)
What sort of story is ‘Living in Love and Faith’? (24 February 2024)
Clergy conduct and the doctrine of marriage (22 February 2024)
Making sense of non-sense (13 February 2024, PDF)
LLF and General Synod: ‘all fouled up’ or ‘beyond repair’? (13 February 2024)
Canon B5A: in or out? Ten key questions for the bishops (7 February 2024)
B5A or not B5A?: The archiepiscopal and episcopal hokey-cokey (7 February 2024, PDF)
Time for a PLF/LFF “reset”?: Reviewing 2023 (18 January 2024, PDF)
The path to Prayers of Love and Faith: time for a reset? (18 January 2024)
Have evangelicals made secret plans to split the Church? (5 January 2024)
Commending Prayers of Love and Faith—more questions than answers (11 December 2023)
Prayers of Love and Faith: a divided vote—a divided Church? (8 December 2023)
‘Nothing has changed’: should the bishops ‘commend’ the Prayers of Love and Faith? (28 November 2023)
Are the Prayers of Love and Faith legal? (15 November 2023)
Do the Prayers of Love and Faith have a good rationale? (PDF, 13 November 2023)
Do the Prayers of Love and Faith have a good rationale? (13 November 2023)
LLF: Will it all now end in tears? (2 November 2023)
“Another Fine Mess”? A Guide to Where We Are With LLF Pre-General Synod (extended version, PDF) (25 October 2023)
“Another Fine Mess”? A Guide to Where We Are With LLF Pre-General Synod (25 October 2023)
Prayers of Love and Faith: what has the House of Bishops done? (12 October 2023)
Prayers of Love and Faith, (Arch-)Episcopal Power, and Anglican Identity (4 October 2023)
B2 or not B2, that is (still!) the question: Thoughts on B5A and the Prayers of Love and Faith (22 September 2023)
Prayers of Love and Faith: The C of E’s Brexit moment? (13 September 2023)
Paul Simon, Psalmist? (15 August 2023)
General Synod, LLF and the mind of the church: What is the evidence? (4 August 2023)
The future before us: Where do we go from here on LLF? (19 July 2023)
Reflections on a public letter from Inclusive Organisations on the LLF process (PDF) (19 July 2023)
The future of LLF: cakeism or coherence? (8 July 2023)
Prayers, Processes, and Power: B2 or not B2, that is the question (Part 1: Canon B5) (23 June 2023)
Prayers, Processes and Power: B2 or not B2, that is the question (Part 2: Canon B4) (23 June 2023)
Prayers, Processes and Power: B2 or not B2, that is the question (Part 3: Canon B2) (23 June 2023)
Prayers, Processes, and Power: B2 or not B2, that is the question (Summary) (23 June 2023)
Prayers, Processes and Power: B2 or not B2, that is the question (Full text PDF) (23 June 2023)
Prayer and Dedication After a Civil Marriage: A Short Historical Sketch (PDF) (23 June 2023)
A Church For the Nation: Review of Jonathan Chaplin, “Beyond Establishment: Resetting Church-State Relations in England” (PDF) (11 June 2023)
The Prayers of Love and Faith and the call to a holy life (2 June 2023)
Three Apr/May Psephizo LLF Articles Combined (PDF) (13 May 2023)
Living in Love and Faith: Good Episcopal Differentiation? (12 May 2023)
Facing our Disagreements on Living in Love and Faith (28 April 2023)
Can we square the Living in Love and Faith circle? (20 April 2023)
The bishops and LLF: integrity, division, or power-play? (21 March 2023)
General Synod Votes on LLF: Narrative Account & Analysis (20 March 2023)
LLF: Recent Past, Present & Future 3 Pieces Combined (PDF) (20 March 2023)
LLF: Recent Past, Present & Future: Part Three (20 March 2023)
LLF: Recent Past, Present & Future: Part One (20 March 2023)
LLF: Recent Past, Present & Future: Part Two (20 March 2023)
What are the bishops claiming about marriage? (7 February 2023)
Last rites for “Living in Love and Faith”? (1 February 2023)
Can we make “simple pastoral provision” for same-sex relationships? (23 November 2022)
Lambeth 2022: Where Do We Stand Now? (9 November 2022)
What are the practical implications following Living in Love and Faith? (30 October 2022)
What are the options after Living in Love and Faith? (29 October 2022)
Discernment and decision following Living in Love and Faith (28 October 2022)
LLF Discerning and Deciding Psephizo Articles (PDF) (28 October 2022)
After Lambeth: what next for the Church of England? (6 October 2022)
The End of (the) Communion? (ii): So where are we now? (6 August 2022)
The End of (the) Communion? (i) What has been said? (5 August 2022)
Paying attention to power in Lambeth ‘Calls’ (1 August 2022)
Lambeth ‘Calls’, Lambeth I.10, and the nature of the Anglican Communion (2): the future (29 July 2022)
Lambeth ‘Calls’, Lambeth I.10, and the nature of the Anglican Communion (28 July 2022)
What’s Up With Lambeth? Living Church Podcast (51 mins) (28 July 2022)
Lambeth in Retrospect Part Two (22 July 2022)
Lambeth in Retrospect Part One (21 July 2022)
Bullying in the Church of England: Theological and Ethical Perspectives (13 July 2022)
Lambeth Conference: going from ‘resolutions’ to ‘Calls’ (22 June 2022)
Who is going to Lambeth? Where is Lambeth going? (17 June 2022)
A Changing Communion (31 May 2022)
Sex and Scripture | A Joyful Conclusion (16 May 2022)
Sex and Scripture | A Redemption Plan (9 May 2022)
Sex and Scripture | Sin and the Fall (2 May 2022)
Living in Love and Faith and Finding The Way Forward (29 April 2022)
Sex and Scripture | In the Beginning (25 April 2022)
Can the C of E ever bridge its differences on sexuality? (28 January 2022)
Living in Love and Faith Interview with Andrew Goddard (Video) (25 October 2021)
What are Paul Bayes’ goals for the church on sexuality? (7 July 2021)
Is Paul Bayes asking the right questions about sexuality? (6 July 2021)
Living Out – Meet The Authors Podcast (3 June 2021)
How can we engage well with Living in Love and Faith? (22 April 2021)
Is “Living in Love and Faith” just a way to force compromise? (15 April 2021)
Is “Living in Love and Faith” largely a failure? (8 April 2021)
Gay Christians and the Anglican Communion (1 March 2021)
Is there a spirituality of good disagreement? (25 January 2021)
The Beautiful Story: Reflections and Response (30 November 2020)
The Beautiful Story (18 November 2020)
How Can We Have Good Discussions With Christians Who Disagree With Us on Sexuality? (12 November 2020)
LLF for Dummies: 10 FAQs about the Church of England’s new teaching and learning resources on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage (9 November 2020)
Bill Love, TEC and same-sex marriage: implications (15 October 2020)
Bishop Bill Love, TEC, and same-sex marriage in the church (14 October 2020)
Can we receive both bread and wine during the pandemic? (13 July 2020)
Review of “Les Sources de l’Ethique Chretienne, Le Vouloir et Le Faire, Parties IV et V” by Jacques Ellul (1 November 2019)
Do Anglicans celebrate the Assumption of Mary? (19 August 2019)
Ethics and policy for invitations to Lambeth 2020 (2 May 2019)
Lambeth invitations and the Communion’s future (6 March 2019)
Lambeth Conference 2020: Further Reflections by Andrew Goddard, March 2019 (6 March 2019)
Lambeth 2020: what is the future of the Anglican Communion? (25 January 2019)
Invitations to Lambeth 2020: What are the issues and options? (PDF) (25 January 2019)
Evangelical and Affirming?: A Conversation with Three Davids (12 January 2019)
Evangelical and Affirming? 4 Pieces Combined (PDF) (11 January 2019)
Evangelical and affirming: developments beyond Scripture? (10 January 2019)
Evangelical and affirming: pastoral accommodation? (9 January 2019)
Evangelical and affirming: re-reading Genesis 2? (8 January 2019)
Paul and Obedience (Contribution to “One God, One People, One Future: Essays in Honour of N.T. Wright (Nov 2018, PDF of Proofs)
Hymn for peace (29 August 2018)
Flying the Flag? (15 August 2018)
The death penalty and Christian moral teaching (8 August 2018)
Review of “Paul as Pastor” edited by Trevor J. Burke, Andrew S. Malone and Brian Rosner (PDF) (30 June 2018)
The Politics of Samuel and the Politics of Ellul (PDF) (29 June 2018)
Communion Partners and Marriage Doctrine and Liturgy in The Episcopal Church (USA) (4 May 2018)
Can the Church change its practice on marriage without changing its doctrine? (20 March 2018)
We really need to talk about “spiritual abuse” (7 February 2018)
Gospel, Church & Marriage: Preserving Apostolic Faith and Life (PDF) (31 January 2018)
Summary of Gospel, Church & Marriage: Preserving Apostolic Faith and Life (PDF) (31 January 2018)
Inclusive Church?: The Theology and Ethics of Inclusivity (PDF, final text in Radner (ed), Church, Politics and the Common Good: Essays in Conversation with Philip Turner)
God With Us: A Christmas Hymn (15 December 2017)
Walking Together At Lambeth 2020? (13 October 2017)
Walking Together? Past and Present (12 October 2017)
Southwark Cathedral and the House of Bishops’ Pastoral Guidance (2 August 2017)
Southwark Cathedral and the House of Bishops’ Pastoral Guidance (PDF) (2 August 2017)
Southwark Cathedral and the House of Bishops’ Pastoral Guidance Shorter Version (PDF) (2 August 2017)
Synods, Sexuality and Symbolic and Seismic Shifts (25 July 2017)
Some observations on the forthcoming Synod debate on Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) (5 July 2017)
Order! Order!: Reflections on The Jesmond Consecration (12 May 2017)
Finished (14 April 2017)
The Bishops’ Report (GS 2055): The Way Forward? (14 February 2017)
Giving and Receiving Episcopal Oversight: The Bishops’ Report (GS 2055) (8 February 2017)
Ellul on Violence and Just War, Chpt 3 in “Jacques Ellul on Violence, Resistance, and War” edited by Jeffrey M. Shaw and Timothy J. Demy (31 December 2016)
Is Pastoral Accommodation the way forward? (11 October 2016)
Marriage & Sexuality: What is the church’s current official teaching and discipline? (PDF) (10 October 2016)
Marriage & Sexuality: What is the current ecclesial reality in relation to this teaching and discipline? (PDF) (10 October 2016)
Marriage & Sexuality: How did we get here and where might we go next? (PDF) (10 October 2016)
Pastoral Accommodation: Divorce and Remarriage (PDF) (10 October 2016)
Pastoral Accommodation: Can we both uphold current teaching and offer greater “pastoral accommodation”? (PDF) (10 October 2016)
Pastoral Accommodation: Prayer After Abortion (PDF) (10 October 2016)
Pastoral Accommodation: Polygamy (PDF) (10 October 2016)
Blessing Same-Sex Unions: A Legitimate Pastoral Accommodation? (10 October 2016)
What does ˜full inclusion” mean? (12 September 2016)
That Was the Church That Was: A Review (19 August 2016)
Sexuality and Communion in The Oxford Handbook of Anglican Studies (PDF) (7 July 2016)
The EU Referendum: Remain or Leave? (19 May 2016)
Making our mind up on the European Union (29 April 2016)
Sexuality (in IVP New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic (2nd edition)) (PDF) (26 April 2016)
The EU Referendum: How Should We Decide? Grove Ethics 181 (31 March 2016)
New Zealand’s “Way Forward” on Same-Sex Marriage: An Evaluation (29 March 2016)
Jesus Calls Us To His Table: A Maundy Thursday Hymn (24 March 2016)
Clergy Same-Sex Marriage: An Appealing Case? (15 March 2016)
Evangelicalism and the Church of England (10 March 2016)
Review Article on Andrew Atherstone & John Maiden (eds), Evangelicalism and the Church of England in the Twentieth Century (The Boydell Press, 2014). (9 March 2016)
Review of Jeffrey W. Driver. A Polity of Persuasion: Gift and Grief of Anglicanism (18 February 2016)
What do supporters of same-sex marriage believe and why? (4 February 2016)
Surveying the Survey: Anglicans and Same-Sex Marriage (2 February 2016)
Surveying the Survey: Anglicans and Same-Sex Marriage [full version] (2 February 2016)
Review of “Living Theodrama: Reimagining Christian Ethics” by Wesley Vander Lugt (PDF) (1 February 2016)
Responses to Primates 2016 from The Episcopal Church (USA) (19 January 2016)
Reflections on a Regional Shared Conversation (18 January 2016)
Sexuality and the Anglican Communion (14 January 2016)
The Anglican Communion: Consensus, Conundrum, Consequences, Conversation and Confession (8 January 2016)
The Primates’ Meeting of January 2016: Fulcrum Resources (6 January 2016)
Eastern Wise Men Searched the Heavens: Hymn for Epiphany (6 January 2016)
Statements from Past Primates’ Meetings (1979-2011) (5 January 2016)
Primates’ Meetings under Rowan Williams (2003-2011) (5 January 2016)
A Critical Dialogue with Robert Song’s “Covenant and Calling: Towards A Theology of Same-Sex Relationships” (SCM Press, 2014) (PDF) (2015)
Good Disagreement?: Grace and Truth In A Divided Church (31 December 2015)
Lord, you left your heavenly glory (24 December 2015)
How Should I Vote for General Synod? (22 September 2015)
From Communion to…Federation ? (20 September 2015)
When can the state kill?: Questions and issues in the case of Reyaad Khan (11 September 2015)
Equal Marriage’: Is There A New Christian Ethic for Sex and Marriage? (1 July 2015)
Review of “Bible, Gender Sexuality: Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships” by James V. Brownson (PDF) (1 February 2015)
James V. Brownson, “Bible, Gender, Sexuality”: A Critical Engagement (PDF) (2014)
Bible, Gender, Sexuality (4 December 2014)
Review of “More Perfect Union?: Understanding Same-Sex Marriage” by Bishop Alan Wilson (7 October 2014)
Life After The Referendum (17 September 2014)
Theology and Practice in Evangelical Churches in The Oxford Handbook of Theology, Sexuality and Gender (PDF) (2 September 2014)
False steps in the assisted dying debate (14 July 2014)
Can we pray for the dead? (2 July 2014)
Generous Spaciousness by Wendy VanderWal-Gritter: A Review (10 June 2014)
Same-sex marriage, clergy and the canons (7 May 2014)
The Archbishop, Gay Marriage and Violence: What are the issues? (6 April 2014)
Learning from Indaba: Some Lessons for Post-Pilling Conversations (PDF) (31 March 2014)
The House of Bishops’ Pastoral Guidance on Same-Sex Marriage Part II: Raising Questions and Recognising Challenges (11 March 2014)
The House of Bishops’ Pastoral Guidance on Same-Sex Marriage Part I: Engaging with the Critics (10 March 2014)
Rowan Williams: His Legacy (31 December 2013)
Divisions Deepen in Pilling (7 December 2013)
A Pastoral Response to Same-sex Civil Marriage? (18 November 2013)
Father God I bow before you (30 September 2013)
Sexual Revolution: Responding Reasonably and Faithfully (26 July 2013)
Why Ignore Wisdom: The Church of England on “Men and Women in Marriage” (PDF) (9 June 2013)
Misrepresenting Same-Sex Marriage: The Bishop of Salisbury (31 May 2013)
The Anglican Communion Covenant in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to The Anglican Communion (PDF) (28 May 2013)
Men and Women in Marriage: Study or Ignore? (6 May 2013)
Predictably Irrational?: The Church of England, Civil Partnerships and Same-sex marriage (17 April 2013)
New Families, Old Values (Westminster Faith Debates & The Tablet) (13 April 2013)
Reframing the Same-Sex Marriage Debate (Ethics in Brief 18.4) (PDF) (31 March 2013)
Westminster Faith Debate on ‘What’s a traditional family and do we need it?’ (Video) (27 March 2013)
Biblical and Pastoral Responses to Homosexuality (28 January 2013)
Biblical and Pastoral Responses to Homosexuality (Evangelical Alliance) (1 March 2013)
Bishops and Civil Partnerships II: Still More Questions Than Answers (18 January 2013)
Church of England Bishops and Civil Partnerships (3 January 2013)
Confusion and Clarity (PDF) (31 December 2012)
On (not) choosing an Archbishop (29 September 2012)
Presentation to Pilling Group (PDF) (4 July 2012)
Fulcrum Perspectives: Women Bishops Legislation (9 June 2012)
Canterbury, the Communion and CNC (27 May 2012)
The St Matthias Day Statement (CEEC): Comment by Andrew Goddard and Text (16 May 2012)
Covenant and the CofE: Ramifications (26 Mar 2012)
The Anglican Communion Covenant and the Church of England: Ramifications (25 March 2012)
Should we Redefine Marriage? (13 March 2012)
The Totality of Condemnation Fell on Christ: Universal Salvation in Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) (PDF) (2011)
Anglican Communion Covenant: Ten Reasons for Voting Positively (15 December 2011)
A Churchgoer’s Guide to the Anglican Communion Covenant (4 November 2011)
Civil Partnerships & Same-Sex Relationships in the Church of England: What is happening and how should evangelicals respond? (15 July 2011)
Wisdom from the Scots: The CofE and Same-sex unions (22 May 2011)
Review of “Living Well, Dying Faithfully” edited by John Swinton and Richard Payne (PDF) (22 May 2011)
Rights and Wrongs of Reproductive Technologies (PDF) (30 April 2011)
Section 4: Commitment in Word and Deed (29 April 2011)
Alternative Vote Reflections (25 April 2011)
Jesus Calls Us To His Table (20 April 2011)
Civil Partnerships, Religion and the State (Ethics in Brief 16.5) (PDF) (31 March 2011)
Actions and Consequences: Reflections on the State of the Anglican Communion (25 January 2011)
The Pastoral Epistles: Ministry, ordination and women by Andrew and Lis Goddard (PDF) (6 January 2011)
The Bible and today’s debates – Issues in Human Sexuality and the Ministry of Women by Andrew Goddard (PDF) (6 January 2011)
The Anglican Covenant: Why a “Yes” vote is significant (23 November 2010)
Conservatives’ covenant concerns: A critique (20 November 2010)
How and Why IC & MCU Mislead Us on the Anglican Covenant (17 November 2010)
Framing the Anglican Covenant: Trick or Treat? A response to Inclusive Church and Modern Church (30 October 2010)
What do the Trinity and marriage have to do with male headship in the church?: Reflections on arguments from 1 Cor 11 and Eph 5 (PDF) (8 July 2010)
Evangelical opponents of women bishops: What is sought and required? (PDF) (8 July 2010)
Evangelical opponents of women bishops: what is sought and required? (6 July 2010)
Reflections on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Pentecost Letter: A pathway for Anglican spiritual renewal? (21 June 2010)
The Bible and Politics BRF Bible Reading Notes (PDF) (5 April 2010)
Accepting Ethical Diversity?: A Critical Appraisal of the Bishop of Liverpool’s Presidential Address (7 March 2010)
Civil Partnerships and Religion: Some Cautions and Questions. The Proposed Amendment to the Civil Partnership Act (2 March 2010)
An Exploration of Evangelical Exegetical and Hermeneutical Differences Over Gender Hierarchy (PDF) (5 January 2010)
Anvil Editorial 26.3 – Undefended Evangelical Anglican Theology and Mission (PDF) (31 December 2009)
Do Justice: Why Torture Must Be Exposed (19 October 2009)
Changing Sexual Orientation and Identity? The APA Report (16 October 2009)
Review of Andrew Marin’s ‘Love is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community’ (10 August 2009)
Fulcrum Response to TEC General Convention 2009 Resolution C056: official promotion of a process to develop liturgies for the blessing of same-sex unions (18 July 2009)
Fulcrum Press Statement on the decision by the House of Bishops of TEC to pass D025 (14 July 2009)
Should we all join the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans? (29 June 2009)
Church of Scotland Tensions and GAFCON (14 May 2009)
Gay Marriage Would Undermine a Sacred Institution (4 May 2009)
Review of “God, Gays & The Church: Human Sexuality and Experience in Christian Thinking” edited by Lisa Nolland, Chris Sugden & Sarah Finch (PDF) (31 March 2009)
Anvil Editorial 26.1 – Anvil Evangelical Anglicanism (PDF) (30 March 2009)
Anvil Editorial 25.4 – Economics (PDF) (31 December 2008)
Christmas Carol: Lord, you left your heavenly glory (21 December 2008)
Hopes for NEAC 2008: a personal reflection (11 November 2008)
Life after Lambeth: Fulcrum Newsletter 24, October 2008 (21 October 2008)
Anvil Editorial 25.3 – Women Bishops (PDF) (30 September 2008)
The Anglican Communion and Homosexuality – Introduction (with Phil Groves) (31 July 2008)
GAFCON and The Anglican Covenant (20 July 2008)
The GAFCON Movement and the Anglican Communion (5 July 2008)
Christian Bioethics: A Guide for the Perplexed by Agneta Sutton: a Fulcrum book review (30 June 2008)
Communion and Covenant: A Theological Exploration (PDF) (30 June 2008)
Review of “Complex Emergencies” by David Keen (PDF) (31 May 2008)
Conflict and Covenant in the Communion, by Andrew Goddard (12 April 2008)
Anvil Editorial 25.1 – Muslim Call To Prayer (PDF) (31 March 2008)
Goddard2Goddard Letter 16 (8 March 2008)
Goddard2Goddard Correspondence of 16 Letters (PDF) (8 March 2008)
New Westminster, J I Packer & The Anglican Church of Canada by Andrew Goddard (3 March 2008)
Prudence and Jurisprudence: Reflections on the Archbishop’s interview and lecture (10 February 2008)
Islamic Law and the Anglican Communion: Is there a common vision? (10 February 2008)
Anglican Mainstream on the Advent Letter: a response by Andrew Goddard (13 January 2008)
The Anglican Communion – Mapping The Terrain (PDF) (31 December 2007)
Anvil Editorial 24.4 – The Mission of God (PDF) (31 December 2007)
Goddard2Goddard Letter 14 (13 December 2007)
Two ‘conservative’ categories on the sexuality spectrum? (6 December 2007)
The Challenges of Mapping (PDF) (5 December 2007)
Two ‘conservative’ categories on the sexuality spectrum? (PDF) (5 December 2007)
Rowan Williams, Decision-Making and Bonhoeffer (18 November 2007)
Goddard2Goddard Letter 12 (12 November 2007)
Book Review: Scot McKnight, A Community Called Atonement (5 November 2007)
The Anglican Communion after New Orleans and the Joint Standing Committee Report (19 October 2007)
ACI Response to the New Orleans House of Bishops Statement (5 October 2007)
Half Empty? Half Full? Too Little? Too Late? (29 September 2007)
Goddard2Goddard Letter 10 (16 September 2007)
The Anglican Covenant: Background and Resources (1 July 2007)
The Anglican Covenant (26 June 2007)
The Anglican Covenant: A Briefing Paper for the Evangelical Group on General Synod (25 June 2007)
Anvil Editorial 24.1 – Anglican Communion (PDF) (31 March 2007)
Review of Ellul’s “Ethics of Freedom” (31 March 2007)
Motions on Sexuality: General Synod February 2007 (27 February 2007)
Goddard2Goddard Letter 8 (27 February 2007)
Commentary on the Subcommittee’s Report (20 February 2007)
Fulcrum response to Sub Group’s Report on General Convention (18 February 2007)
Goddard2Goddard Letter 6 (11 February 2007)
Goddard2Goddard Letter 4 (31 January 2007)
Goddard2Goddard Letter 2 (13 January 2007)
Anvil Editorial 23.4 – Hymnody (PDF) (31 December 2006)
Rights, Homosexuals, and Communion: Reflections in light of Nigeria (21 November 2006)
Listening to learn, Learning to listen’, Fulcrum Newsletter 10: October 2006 (30 October 2006)
The Panel of Reference & New Westminster Diocese (18 October 2006)
Fulfilled or Finished? The ‘End’ of the Anglican Communion (6 October 2006)
A Response to General Convention 2006 (5 August 2006)
Review of “After the Neocons: America at the Crossroads” by Francis Fukuyama (PDF) (30 June 2006)
˜Some Ramifications of the Coekin Case’ (9 June 2006)
Homophobia: extended version of the Fulcrum May Newsletter (24 May 2006)
˜Homophobia’: Fulcrum Newsletter 7: May 2006 (24 May 2006)
Anvil Editorial 23.1 – Theological Training (PDF) (31 March 2006)
Semper Reformanda in a Changing World: Calvin, Usury and Evangelical Moral Theology (5 February 2006)
Anvil Editorial 22.4 – Civil Partnerships (PDF) (31 December 2005)
The Bishops of the Church in Wales on Civil Partnerships: A Personal Response (12 December 2005)
What is to be done in the Anglican Communion?: “We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you” (12 December 2005)
Speech opposing the Motion:”This House believes that a homosexual lifestyle is no bar to becoming a Bishop’ (3 November 2005)
Ellul on Scripture and Idolatry (31 October 2005)
Review of “At Variance: The Church’s Argument Against Homosexual Conduct” by Kevin Scott (PDF) (30 September 2005)
Fulcrum response to the Civil Partnership Act (Short) (23 July 2005)
Anvil Editorial 22.1 – Blasphemy and Free Speech (PDF) (31 March 2005)
Walking Together?: The Future Shape of the Anglican Communion (PDF) (31 March 2005)
On Reading the Primates Communique (1 February 2005)
Fruits of Repentance (18 January 2005)
Repair The Tear: The Windsor Report, An Assessment and Call for Action (30 November 2004)
A Guide To The Windsor Report (27 November 2004)
A Critique of Mark Dyer’s Explanation of the Windsor Report, as recorded at Virginia Seminary (21 October 2004)
ACI Proposal for an Extraordinary Ministry to be exercised by the Archbishop of Canterbury (23 September 2004)
Communion and Discipline: A Submission To The Lambeth Commission by the Anglican Communion Institute (PDF) (1 April 2004)
Anvil Editorial 21.1 – Anglican Communion (PDF) (31 March 2004)
Review of “Between Britain and Europe: The Future of British Politics” by Andrew Gamble (PDF) (31 March 2004)
How Faithful Is Gibson’s Passion? (21 March 2004)
A Commentary on the Address of the Bishop of Exeter to the American House of Bishops (3 March 2004)
Claiming Our Anglican Identity: The Case Against The Episcopal Church, USA (PDF) (31 December 2003)
Anvil Editorial 20.4 – NEAC (PDF) (31 December 2003)
When Is War Justified? Grove Ethics 128 (31 December 2003)
ECUSA Goes It Alone (30 November 2003)
Ellul on Violence and Just War (31 October 2003)
Review Article of “Fanning the Flame” (NEAC4 book) edited by Paul Gardner, Chris Wright and Chris Green (PDF) (30 September 2003)
English Evangelicals and the Archbishop’s Theology (PDF) (1 September 2003)
Review of “Faithfulness and fortitude: in conversation with the theological ethics of Stanley Hauerwas” edited by Mark Theissen Nation and Samuel Wells (PDF) (30 June 2003)
True Union in the Body?: A contribution to the discussion within the Anglican Communion concerning the public blessing of same-sex unions (PDF) (19 May 2003)
Conference Report: The Future of Anglicanism (PDF) (31 December 2002)
Living the Word, Resisting the World: The Life and Thought of Jacques Ellul (31 December 2002)
The Moral Leader (with James Jones) (31 December 2002)
Review of “Jacques Ellul: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary Works” by Joyce Hanks (PDF) (1 April 2002)
Review of “Naturism and Christianity: Are they compatible?” by Karen Gorham and Dave Leal (PDF) (31 March 2002)
Something Still Stands (Reflection on (9/11) (31 January 2002)
Review of “Christ our Righteousness: Paul’s Theology of Justification” by Mark A. Seifrid (PDF) (31 December 2001)
Review of “Valuing People: Human Value in A World of Medical Technology” by D. Gareth Jones (PDF) (31 December 2001)
Harry Potter and the Quest for Virtue (PDF) (30 September 2001)
Jacques Ellul: 20th Century Prophet for the 21st Century (31 July 2000)
Review of “Go and Do Likewise: Jesus and Ethics” by William Spohn (PDF) (30 June 2000)
Le Droit, Les Droits, Et La Technique (PDF) (30 April 2000)
Du Droit Naturel A L’Alliance (2): Droits de l’homme et droit de l’autre (PDF) (30 April 2000)
Jacques Ellul and the Power of the Media (PDF) (1 April 2000)
Review of “Christian Social Witness and Teaching: The Catholic Tradition From Genesis to Centesimus Annus” by Rodger Charles (PDF) (1 April 2000)
Review of “Sources and trajectories: eight early articles by Jacques Ellul that set the stage” by Marva Dawn (PDF) (30 September 1999)
Law, Rights and Technology (31 July 1999)
Jacques Ellul and Human Rights – A Short Response to Sylvain Dujancourt (31 July 1999)
The European Union: A Christian Perspective Grove Ethics 109 (31 December 1998)
Review of “From Sacrament to Contract: Marriage, Religion and Law in the Western Tradition” by John Witte Jr (PDF) (31 December 1998)
Sifting Through The Landslide (31 May 1997)
Review of “Sources and Trajectories: Eight Early Articles by Jacques Ellul That Set The Stage” by Marva Dawn (31 January 1997)
Thinking Christianly About Politics (Ethics in Brief/Whitefield Briefing 1.6) (PDF) (30 November 1996)
Obituary: Jacques Ellul (1912-94) (PDF) (1 April 1996)
Ellul et le realisme politique du Christ (PDF) (31 December 1994)
Christian Soldier of Revolution, Jacques Ellul Obituary in Guardian (9 June 1994)
Ill or Ill-Treated? Conflict and Persecution as the Context of Paul’s Original Ministry in Galatia (Galatians 4.12-20) (PDF) (31 October 1993, with S.A. Cummins)
“A Reed Swayed by the Wind” – The first coin to support interpretation of the New Testament? (PDF) (1 October 1992, with John Goddard)
Review of “The Technological Bluff” by Jacques Ellul (PDF) (1 August 1991)

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