Theology and Ethics


Psalms and Christian Identity (Grant, 2014)

A series of 4 talks at Coro Baptist Church by Jamie Grant (mp3)

Identity in Christ (Psalm 8)

The Crisis of Identity (Psalm 73)


Identity that Impacts the World (Psalm 84)


Gospel Identity (Psalm 85)

Psalms Lecture Series (Waltke)

18 Lectures on the Psalms by Bruce K. Waltke

Introduction to the Book of Psalms


The Cultic Background of the Psalms


The Historical Approach to the Psalms


The Literary Background of the Psalms


The Individual Lament Form of Psalm


Penitential Psalm of Lament


A Community Lament Psalm (Walter Bodine)


Psalms of Trust


The Declarative Praise Psalm


Combination Psalm of Acknowledgment


Descriptive Praise Psalms


Enthronement Psalms: The Lord as King


The Wisdom Psalms


The Messianic Psalms


Psalm 63


Psalm 73


The Eye of the Storm

Reformation Day Lectures on Ephesians at Covenant College (Webster, 2008)

Three lectures on Ephesians and the work of the Triune God from Covenant College as iTunes Podcasts (Numbers 17-19).

The Father’s Purpose

The Son’s Redemption

The Spirit’s Enlightenment

Sermons on Exodus from St George's Tron (Eric Alexander)

A series of 12 sermons on Exodus, mostly by Eric Alexander, preached at St George’s Tron, Glasgow, available from Tapes From Scotland

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 1 (Ex 1 ) (24 mins)

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 2 (Ex 2 ) (29 mins)

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 3 (Ex 3 ) (22 mins)

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 4 (Ex 3:13-4:20) (31 mins)

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 5 (Ex 5-11) (28 mins)

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 6 (Ex 12) (37 mins)

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 7 (Ex 13-14) (26 mins)

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 8 (Ex 15-17) (29 mins)

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 9 (Ex 18-24) (36 mins)

Unknown Exodus Sermon 10 (Ex 25-31) (26 mins)

Sinclair Ferguson Exodus Sermon 11 (Ex 32-40) (31 mins)

Eric Alexander Exodus Sermon 12 (Exodus) (32 mins)

Tapes from Scotland - Sermons and Talks

I was blessed to grow up in St George’s Tron Church in Glasgow under the teaching ministry of people like Eric Alexander, Sinclair Ferguson, David Ellis, Richard Buckley and others.  Some time ago I found the great Tapes from Scotland website which has literally thousands of expository sermons and talks by them and other great (mainly Scottish, all male, broadly Reformed) preachers such as James and George Philip and William Still.

I’ve adapted their spreadsheet of the recordings so as to include links to each recording on their site and you can access and sort through them here.


The Election of Grace: A Riddle Without Resolution? (Kantzer Lectures) (Stephen Williams, 2009)

Dr. Williams presented a series of six lectures on Karl Barth and election, with particular emphasis upon the pastoral function of the doctrine. Beginning with a discussion of the issues that arise in debates about election, Dr. Williams details Karl Barth’s view on the topic of election and the related topics of Christian perseverance and particular atonement, including an exposition of Romans 9-11. Dr. Williams then developed Barth’s single predestinarian view and addressed the doctrine of assurance in conversation with Barth’s own views. Taken together, the lectures applied fresh perspective to the views of Karl Barth on the election of grace.
Lecture Series Outline

Lecture 1: The different ways of understanding God that surface in debates about election
Lecture 2: A lecture on Barth on election integrated with Barth’s views on Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms
Lecture 3: The question of election as a determination of destiny, specifically, the problem of perseverance
Lecture 4: The question of election and particular atonement, working from the John Owen/McLeod Campbell debate
Lecture 5: Election, regeneration and faith
Lecture 6: An exposition of Romans 9-11 offering a positive proposal on election, prepared for in lectures 1-5

The God Who Graciously Elects: Seven Lectures on the Doctrine of God (Kantzer Lectures) (McCormack, 2011)

The God Who Graciously Elects: Seven Lectures on the Doctrine of God

In this lecture series, Professor Bruce McCormack constructs his original and thoroughly post-metaphysical doctrine of God. McCormack begins his ambitious lecture series with a ‘deconstruction’ of current trends in evangelical theology. The corrective, he suggests, involves a return to the very earliest of doctrinal thinking. Thus, McCormack provides us with a masterful survey of the doctrine of God in both the ancient and modern world, as well as the New Testament attestation to the mystery of the Trinity and the Deity of Jesus Christ. The major contours of Professor McCormack’s project include a Christology derived solely from the narrated history of Jesus of Nazareth as attested in Holy Scripture and in turn, and a doctrine of God developed solely on the basis of that Christology. Along the way, McCormack tackles serious challenges posed to Christology by modernity, including the unity of the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ as it pertains to the communication of his attributes, his agency and his psychological development.

Lecture 1: Is the Reformation Over? Reflections on the Place of the Doctrine of God in Evangelical Theology Today
Lecture 2: From the One God to the Trinity: The Creation of the Orthodox Understanding of God
Lecture 3: The Great Reversal: From the Economy of God to the Trinity in Modern Theology
Lecture 4: The God Who Reveals Himself: The Mystery of the Trinity in the New Testament
Lecture 5: Which Christology? Refining the Economic Basis of the Christian Doctrine of God
Lecture 6: The Processions Contain the Missions: Reconstructing the Doctrine of an Immanent Trinity
Lecture 7: The Being of God as Gift and Grace: On Freedom and Necessity, Aseity and the Divine “Attributes”

The Same God? Karl Barth on the Relation of Islam to Christianity (McCormack, 2016)

Tom Wright on Epistemology, Eschatology, and Apocalyptic (NT Wright, 2018)

0:30 – An Epistemology of Love?
6:53 – Broken Signposts and the Cross
12:14 – History, Eschatology, Apocalyptic and some history of biblical scholarship
18:33 – What are some common Biblical Themes that some people in the church misunderstand or misapply that are particularly important to try and correct?

What's At Stake in Current Debates Over Justification: The Crisis of Protestantism in the West (McCormack, 2003)