Tag: 00 Humphrey_Edith
What the Bible Really Says About Tradition (Humphrey, 2013)
[su_youtube url="https://youtu.be/vzthvRFT-sw"]
“Teach Us To Pray”: What Is Worship & Where Does Corporate Worship Fit? (Humphrey, 2011)
Chapter One of Grand Entrance: Worship On Earth As In Heaven
Listening to God, Shaped by the Word (Humphrey, 2007)
[gview file="http://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/anvil/24-1_011.pdf" save="1"]
Marriage – A Treasure To Be Kept: Gender, Sexuality and Communion in the Bible and Christian Tradition (Humphrey, 2010)
If we muddle our thinking about human beings, it is quite likely we will be muddled about God, and vice versa. Adam, man and woman, the Church are creatures of God and also potent pictures given to us by God to point to Himself. Thinking carefully about sexual matters means to think carefully about the nature of humanity, of the world’s fallen condition, of the Church, and of God, as shown to us in the Son.
The New Testament Speaks on Same-Sex Eroticism (Humphrey, 2003)
[gview file="http://www.eggscofe.org.uk/uploads/5/5/6/3/5563632/e_humphrey_neac.pdf" save="1"]
Same-Sex Unions (4): What Would It Mean for the Church to Bless Same-Sex Unions? (Humphrey)
To presume that God blesses such arrangements and to ask the Church to echo such a presumed blessing is perilous to those involved, and to the unity of the Church.