Tag: 00 Hunsinger_George
Karl Barth’s Life and Thought: An Introduction (Hunsinger, 2015)
Top Barth scholar George Hunsinger offers an introduction to Barth’s life and thought in this recorded lecture
Reading the Beatitudes from a Center in Christ (Hunsinger, 2015)
George Hunsinger lectures on the Beatitudes
Funeral Meditation: He Read the Book (Hunsinger, 2008)
In my last conversation with Peter, a few days before he died, he stressed that resurrection hope — the hope by which he himself had learned to live — was a hope for this life and not just for the next. He wanted the first Question from the Heidelberg Catechism to be included in his Memorial Service. We will recite it in a moment. “Tell them it’s not just a hope about death,” Peter instructed me. “Tell them it’s a hope about life. Tell them it’s our only comfort in life and in death, in life and not just in death.” Those were, in effect, his last words.
Why T.F. Torrance was a Barthian (Hunsinger, 2008)
Hunsinger responds to a discussion about Torrance and Barth
Theology & Global Conflict: An Interview With George Hunsinger (Hunsinger, 2006)
George Hunsinger interviewed by Princeton Theological Review’s W. Travis McMaken
Why The Torture Abuse Scandal Matters (Hunsinger, 2005)
Hunsinger calls for four steps to challenge continuing torture by the US saying that “Nothing less is at stake in the torture crisis than the soul of our nation.”