Tag: <span>05 liberation theology</span>

The Man of War and the Suffering Servant: The Old Testament and the Theology of Liberation (Goldingay)

[gview file="http://www.johnandkathleenshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Exodus-The-Man-of-War-and-the-Suffering-Servant.doc" save="1"]

The Ecclesiologies of Medellin and the Lessons of the Base Communities (Cavanaugh, 1994)

My purpose in this article will be twofold. First, I will illuminate the general thrust of Medellin’s conflicting ecclesiologies by sketching the political background of the conference and examining the documents themselves. Second, I will show how the base-community movement contributed significantly to the strategies of both traditionalists and liberationists in the church; and I will argue for a theology of the base communities that supersedes both these ecclesiologies.