
Abraham, William – Profile

William J. (“Billy”) Abraham (1947-), an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, is Albert Cook Outler Professor of Wesley Studies and Altschuler Distinguished Teaching Professor at Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, TX.

I first got to know William Abraham’s work through his Oxford doctorate on the inspiration of Scripture (where I found he offered an evangelical alternative to the “inerrantist” tradition of Warfield and Hodge) and his work on evangelism. He has most recently been at the heart of the Canonical Theism movement.

His stated areas of expertise are religious epistemology, John Wesley, Wesleyan and Methodist theology, doctrine of revelation, systematic theology, philosophy of religion, evangelism, Cardinal Newman, renewal movements in Christianity, ecclesiology, theological education

Contact Details:; 214.768.2040

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Last updated: Sept 2011