From Annotated Old Testament Bibliography – 2016 by M. Daniel Carroll R., Hélène Dallaire, and Richard S. Hess (Denver Seminary).
Cassuto, U. Commentary on Exodus. Trans. I. Abrahams. Magnes, 1967. Important for study of the Hebrew text.
*Childs, B.S. The Book of Exodus. OTL. Westminster, 1974. The application of the canonical approach to a higher critical commentary. Includes a history of interpretation for each passage.
Durham, J.I. Exodus. WBC. Word, 1987. Follows the method of Childs.
Houtman, Cornelis. Exodus. Vol. 1 (1:1-7:13). and Exodus. Vol. 2 (7:14-19:25). HCOT. Kok Pharos, 1993 and 1996. Updating of classic historical critical approach to the book.
Meyers, Carol.Exodus.NCBC. Cambridge, 2005. A readable commentary aware of both critical and literary readings and emphasizing the author’s skill in anthropological analysis of the ritual texts as well as appreciating the compositional issues in the narratives.
*Propp, William H. Exodus 1-18: A New Translation and Commentary. and Exodus 19-40: A New Translation and Commentary. AB 2A and 2B. Doubleday, 1998 and 2006. Strong on background to social institutions and customs. Important for new textual readings from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Sarna, Nahum. Exodus. JPS Torah Commentary. Jewish Publication Society, 1991. See above for Genesis.
Stuart, Douglas K. Exodus. NAC 2. Broadman & Holman, 2006. Important Evangelical commentary with valuable exegetical insights.