Exodus. A standard critical and theological commentary on Exodus remains Brevard Childs, The Book of Exodus, Old Testament Library (Westminster John Knox. 1974). Childs includes a full range of discussions on historical-critical matters, larger Old Testament context, New Testament context, and history of exegesis. It has weathered well over 30 years. Good theological commentaries include Walter Brueggemann, “Exodus” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, Volume 1 (Abingdon, 1994) and Terence Fretheim, Exodus, Interpretation (Westminster John Knox, 1991).
Mention should also be made of Waldemar Janzen, Exodus, Believers Church Bible Commentary (Herald,2000) and, for those desiring some very heavy-lifting in their study of the scholarship on Exodus, Cornelius Houtman, Exodus, Volumes 1-3, Historical Commentary on the Old Testament (Kok, 1993, 1996, 2000) (excellent and detailed reviews of scholarship and history of interpretation).
For those desiring more heavy-lifting in their study of Exodus, Thomas Dozeman‘s Exodus, Eerdman’s Critical Commentary (Eerdman’s, 2009) is very well done and incorporates the latest in Pentateuchal scholarship. One should also mention Cornelius Houtman, Exodus, Volumes 1-3, Historical Commentary on the Old Testament (Kok, 1993, 1996, 2000) (detailed reviews of scholarship and history of interpretation) and William Propp‘s two-volume Anchor Yale Bible commentary on Exodus 1-18 (Yale, 1999) and Exodus 19-40 (Yale, 2006) (extensive notes on translation and critical issues).
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