Annotated Old Testament Bibliography on Jeremiah (Denver Seminary, 2016)

Annotated Old Testament Bibliography on Jeremiah (Denver Seminary, 2016)

From Annotated Old Testament Bibliography – 2016 by M. Daniel Carroll R., Hélène Dallaire, and Richard S. Hess (Denver Seminary).

*Allen, Leslie C. Jeremiah: A Commentary. OTL. Westminster John Knox, 2008. Well-informed detailed textual study focused primarily on the canonical form. Little theological reflection.

Brueggemann, Walter. A Commentary on Jeremiah: Exile and Homecoming. Eerdmans, 1998. Helpful commentary on sections with good expositional observations and insightful theological and ideological comments.

Craigie, Peter C., Page H. Kelley, and Joel F. Drinkard, Jr. Jeremiah 1-25. WBC 26. Word, 1991. Completed by the other authors after the death of Craigie. Accordingly, it is uneven in amount and quality of detail. Evangelical.

Dearman, J. Andrew. Jeremiah, Lamentations. NIVAC. Zondervan, 2002. Brief comments on text with primary focus on modern application. Evangelical.

*Fretheim, Terence E. Jeremiah. SHBC 15. Smyth & Helwys, 2002. Critically informed but not intrusive. Textual comments with substantive theological reflections by one of the more important Old Testament theologians of our time.

*Holladay, William L. Jeremiah 1-25Jeremiah 26-52. Hermeneia. Fortress Press, 1986, 1989. A massive technical commentary with a wealth of textual and exegetical notes.

Keown, Gerald L., Pamela J. Scalise, and Thomas G. Smothers. Jeremiah 26-52. WBC 27. Word, 1995. See above under Craigie. Evangelical.

*King, Philip J. Jeremiah: An Archaeological Companion. Westminster John Knox, 1993. Very illuminating resource for understanding background to book.

Lalleman, Hetty. Jeremiah and Lamentations. TOTC 21. IVP Academic, 2013. Good, brief exegetical comments on the text. Evangelical.

Longman III, Tremper. Jeremiah, Lamentations. UBCS. Baker, 2008. (Formerly NIBC 14. Hendrickson, 2008). Solid mid-level exposition with footnotes on technical matters. Evangelical.

*Lundbom, Jack R. Jeremiah 1-20: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary; Jeremiah 21-36; Jeremiah 37-52. AB 21A, 21B, 21C. Doubleday, 1999, 2004. An exhaustive work. Study of each passage divided into Rhetoric & Composition, Notes, and Message & Audience. Second volume contains several detailed appendices, the third a supplemental bibliography.

McKane, William. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Jeremiah 1-25Jeremiah 26-52. ICC. T. & T. Clark, 1986, 1989. Focus on textual and philology issues.

Stulman, Louis. Jeremiah. Abingdon Old Testament Commentary. Abingdon, 2005. Insightful theological and ethical comments on the canonical shape of the book.

Thompson, John A. The Book of Jeremiah. NICOT. Eerdmans, 1980. The standard evangelical commentary since its publication.

Wright, Christopher J. H. The Message of Jeremiah: Against Wind and Tide. BST. IVP Academic, 2014. Offers pastor and preachers good expositional, theological, and practical insights. Evangelical.

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