This is taken from John Starke, How to Stay Orthodox and Humble when Talking About God
Fred Sanders, The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything (2010)—- This is an extremely accessible guide to the doctrine of the Trinity and its importance for all aspects of Christian faith, life, and thought. Required reading for any Christian having trouble connecting the doctrinal dots between the Trinity and the gospel. Sanders relates the identity of God as Father, Son, and Spirit to the good news that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will have eternal life with God.
William Schweitzer, God Is a Communicative Being: Divine Communicativeness and Harmony in the Theology of Jonathan Edwards (2012)—- A helpful contribution both to our understanding of America’s greatest theologian (Jonathan Edwards) and to the doctrine of God. Schweitzer makes a good case for seeing “communication” as possibly the most central concept in Edwards’s understanding of God in himself (i.e., the Trinity) and of God’s relationship to the world. The triune God is essentially good because he is essentially disposed to communicate his knowledge, love, and joy—-in other words, himself—-to others.
Thomas Weinandy, Does God Suffer? (2000)—- This is a superb contribution to contemporary debates about the suffering of God. Weinandy takes on the “new orthodoxy,” namely, the view that God’s love implies God’s suffering. He corrects caricatures of Patristic and Medieval theologians, discusses the significance of the Incarnation, and in the process makes a compelling case that the God who is impassible is more impassioned and compassionate than a God who is affected by the world.
Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Remythologizing Theology: Divine Action, Passion, and Authorship (2012)—- This book seeks to understand God’s being on the basis of God’s communicative action, in particular his divine speech acts. What must God be if God can do things (e.g., create, promise, justify, judge) by saying? In particular, does God “suffer” the effects of his dialogue with human beings? The proposal that emerges is a fresh restatement of classical theism (and divine impassibility) that nevertheless accounts for God’s dialogical interaction with human creatures and his love for the world.
John Webster, God Without Measure: Essays in Christian Doctrine (2013)—- John Webster is one of the most important contemporary theologians producing constructive Christian doctrine in the English language. This forthcoming collection of essays treats the nature of God and God’s work in providence and redemption. Each chapter is a model of “theological theology”—-exemplifying faithful discipleship in the realm of reason through hard thinking and clear writing about God and the gospel on the basis of Scripture in the service of the church.