Online Resources Why T.F. Torrance was a Barthian (Hunsinger, 2008) By George Hunsinger 17 March, 2018 17 March, 2018 00 Barth 2ndry, 00 Hunsinger_George, 00 Torrance (TF) 2ndry, 01 document, 02 beginner, 04 article, 05 systematics Hunsinger responds to a discussion about Torrance and Barth
Online Resources T.F. Torrance on Scripture (Webster, 2009) By John Webster 27 May, 2016 14 March, 2018 00 Torrance (TF) 2ndry, 00 Webster_John, 01 document, 02 intermediate, 04 Lecture Transcript, 05 Scripture [gview file="" save="1"]