Tag: 05 transgender
The Philosophical Contradictions of the Transgender Worldview (Anderson, 2018)
Ryan T. Anderson argues that the thinking of transgender activists is inherently confused and filled with internal contradictions. Activists never acknowledge those contradictions. Instead, they opportunistically rely on whichever claim is useful at any given moment.
The Church & Transgender Identity: Some Cautions, Some Possibilities (Luke T. Johnson, 2017)
Roman Catholic New Testament theologian, Luke Timothy Johnson, explores some possibilities for a more positive Christian response to transgender identity and politics (scroll down to find article).
The Church & Transgender Identity: Some Cautions, Some Possibilities (Cloutier, 2017)
Roman Catholic moral theologian, David Cloutier, raises some cautions about transgender identity and politics
Understanding the Transgender Phenomenon (Yarhouse, 2015)
[gview file="http://www.centralpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Understanding-the-Transgender-Phenomenon-_-Christianity-Today.pdf" save="1"]
Gender: where next? Personal journeys, radical agendas and perplexing dilemmas (Townsend, 2016)
[gview file="http://www.jubilee-centre.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Cambridge-Papers-DEC16-singles-for-web.compressed.pdf" save="1"]
‘Male and Female He Created Them’? Theological Reflections on Gender, Biology and Identity (Sloane, 2016)
[gview file="http://klice.co.uk/uploads/Ethics%20in%20Brief/EiB_Sloane_21_4_WEB.pdf" save="1"]
How Do You Know Whether You Are A Man or A Woman? (Stiegemeyer, 2015)
[gview file="http://www.doxology.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/StiegemeyerHowDoYouKnowWhetherYouAreManOrWoman.pdf" save="1"]