Tag: <span>05 eschatology</span>

Militant Grace: The Apocalyptic Turn and the Future of Christian Theology (Intro & Chpt 1) (Ziegler, 2018)

[embeddoc url="https://theologiaborealis.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/militant-grace_introduction.pdf" download="all" viewer="google"]

Tom Wright on Epistemology, Eschatology, and Apocalyptic (NT Wright, 2018)

0:30 – An Epistemology of Love?
6:53 – Broken Signposts and the Cross
12:14 – History, Eschatology, Apocalyptic and some history of biblical scholarship
18:33 – What are some common Biblical Themes that some people in the church misunderstand or misapply that are particularly important to try and correct?

The Eschatological Meaning of Jesus’ Resurrection as a Historical Event: A Comparison of the Views of Wolfhart Pannenberg and N.T. Wright (Bang, 2014)

[embeddoc url="http://dare.ubvu.vu.nl/bitstream/handle/1871/51298/complete%20dissertation.pdf" download="all" viewer="google"]

Discerning the Dawn: History, Eschatology and New Creation: Gifford Lectures 2018 (NT Wright, 2018)

Lecture One – The Fallen Shrine: Lisbon 1755 and the Triumph of Epicureanism

Lecture Two – The Questioned Book: Critical Scholarship and the Gospels

Lecture Three – The Shifting Sand: The Meanings of ‘History’

Lecture Four – The End of the World? Eschatology and Apocalyptic in Historical Perspective

Lecture Five – The Stone the Builders Rejected: Jesus, the Temple and the Kingdom

Lecture Six – A New Creation: Resurrection and Epistemology

Lecture 7 – Broken Signposts? New Answers for the Right Questions


Lecture 8 – The Waiting Chalice: Natural Theology and the Missio Dei