Tag: <span>05 Catholic moral theology</span>

The Importance of Being Catholic: A Protestant View (Hauerwas, 1990)

“Catholicism is more than “doctrine” and theological reflection on doctrine. Rather it is habits and practices that take a lifetime to understand.”

The Splendor of Truth: A Symposium [with David Burrell] (Hauerwas, 1994)

“The Pope’s manner of argument promises to shift the character of the discussion for those more interested in extending it than in defending themselves. And it does so by being—despite its length—an inspiring text. (When that can be said of moral theology we are indeed on the threshold of something new.) What makes it new is the method employed: begin with Scripture, show how rational argument contributes to faith seeking understanding, and return to a church life and practice informed by Scripture. Jesus, not “natural law,” is the paradigm throughout”