Tag: <span>07 Journal of Analytic Theology</span>

What Makes Theology Theological (Webster, 2015)

An understanding of the nature of theology comprises an account of its object, its cognitive principles, its ends and its practitioners.  The object of theology is two-fold: principally God the Holy Trinity, and derivatively all things in relation to God.  God is considered first absolutely, then relatively; all other things are treated relative to God, under the aspect of creatureliness.  The objective cognitive principle of theology is God’s infinite knowledge, of which God communicates a …

Ontology, Missiology, and the Travail of Christian Doctrine: A Conversation with Kevin Hector’s Theology without Metaphysics (Vanhoozer, 2013)

A Conversation with Kevin Hector’s Theology without Metaphysics

Is Ransom Enough? (Crisp, 2015)

In recent systematic theology versions of the Ransom account of the atonement have proliferated. Much of this work uses Gustav Aulén’s Christus Victor as a point of departure. In this paper I first distinguish between models and theories of atonement. Then I discuss three recent theological perorations of the Ransom model as a prelude to setting out four interpretive strategies for understanding this view of atonement. I then offer some critical remarks on these strategies, concluding that the Ransom view as set forth here does not provide a complete model of atonement.