Tag: <span>05 theological method</span>

Available Actors, Appropriate Action: TheoDramatic Formation and Performance (Vander Lugt, 2013)

The original PhD which was published as “Living Theodrama: Reimagining Christian Ethics” (Ashgate, 2014) which I reviewed in Studies in Christian Ethics. Other reviews in Theology and Themelios.

[embeddoc url="https://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10023/3728/WesleyVanderLugtPhDThesis.pdf" download="all" viewer="google"]

Why should theological study be a primary occupation for the Christian minister? (Webster, 2014)

In the gospel we find God’s loving instruction of guilty and sad creatures, whose treason against their creator is such that they have lost their way, and no longer know who or where they are or how to reach out to happiness. To these creatures – to us – the gospel holds out illumination and healing.

What Makes Theology Theological (Webster, 2015)

An understanding of the nature of theology comprises an account of its object, its cognitive principles, its ends and its practitioners.  The object of theology is two-fold: principally God the Holy Trinity, and derivatively all things in relation to God.  God is considered first absolutely, then relatively; all other things are treated relative to God, under the aspect of creatureliness.  The objective cognitive principle of theology is God’s infinite knowledge, of which God communicates a …