Tag: <span>04 interview transcript</span>

Love, Justice, And Suffering: An Interview with Nicholas Wolterstorff (Wolterstorff, 2017)

Nicholas Wolterstorff offers thoughts on love, justice and suffering and the relationships between them

Worship as Public Legal Pedagogy: Interview with Joan Lockwood O’Donovan (Lockwood O’Donovan, 2016)

James K.A. Smith interview with Joan Lockwood O’Donovan in which she explains that the church’s public proclamation reminds society of the law—and grace—that transcends the state

An Interview with NT Wright on atonement by Michael Horton (Wright, 2018)

[su_audio url="https://dvk4nnoy0ay22.cloudfront.net/2018whi1407mar25-extended.mp3?Expires=1522043296&Signature=k4VNDBG7129HZrEEXy4qk0WuZILcacL2fteQoiqtzPL0MsKlTWxZiL2gOxmuzHf9q93gDqKw3-1hZg7A7o3oh1xWMFWM1I8TCMf8unylAwfyqiYMUVmnAOVtk6WLowFfTvoO4g6g~SUS3e7bTc3lY4~EdPFlrhZqSeA4M7B2ik05EhxhrT2fFXu1bUX~Ar~KoZMl7WmSL6i~JIhjU0khsYGzyK3M0zuYIIrZSWbRRo4olOo44cEw5t6m3verGJn~v8ktQdLn88hSoASn9FH1Kj7O7YlVtN7X3dYsARvXKZcrLYhpiXFYJqzpMt3Nvo~1iZ-pLsAz-YNUvoletZB9GA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIVVK4GZDOCG6RYNA"][/su_audio] [embeddoc url="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/whi-radio-members/Transcripts/March/2018whitranscript1407mar25.pdf" download="all" viewer="google"]

Five Questions with Oliver O’Donovan (O’Donovan, 2015)

How does Ethics as Theology tie into your previous work on the subject of Christian ethics?
What makes your work in these volumes a unique contribution to the field of ethics?
Using ten words (or fewer) per book, can you describe each of the three volumes in the series?
What’s the best advice you can give to aspiring theologians?
What are you reading right now for work, and what are you reading right now that has absolutely nothing to do with your work?