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- Theology and Ethics Podcasts
- …And They Shall Prophesy (Hays, 2005)
- ‘America’s best theologian’ walks pacifist road (Hauerwas, 2003)
- ‘Only the Suffering God Can help’. divine passibility in modern theology (Bauckham, 1984)
- ‘Rise, heart; thy Lord is risen’ (Webster, 2016)
- ‘Male and Female He Created Them’? Theological Reflections on Gender, Biology and Identity (Sloane, 2016)
- “A Fire Strong Enough to Consume the House”: Wars of Religion and the Rise of the State (Cavanaugh, 1995)
- “An End to Every War”: The Politics of the Eucharist and the Work of Peace (Cavanaugh, 2016)
- “But the Bible says …”? A Catholic reading of Romans 1 (Alison, 2004)
- “Dependency” and “Begottenness” (Mumford, 2015)
- “Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?” (Hays, 2002)
- “God For Us”: Bonhoeffer’s Ongoing Reformation of the Christian Doctrine of God (Ziegler, 2017)
- “Judge not” and “Judge for yourselves” (O’Donovan, 2013)
- “No Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked” (Neal, 2011)
- “Shaking Hands with the Devil” Interview (Abraham)
- “Sun of Righteousness, Arise!” The Justification of Sinners and Victims, from Martin Luther to Martin Luther King (Moltmann, 2011)
- “Teach Us To Pray”: What Is Worship & Where Does Corporate Worship Fit? (Humphrey, 2011)
- “The Faith of Christ”: Engaging the Writings of Richard B. Hays by A.A. Just (2003)
- “The Lord Is For the Body”: Matter and Epiphany in Christian Worship (Humphrey, 2014)
- “Theology as Wisdom” and “Wisdom Cries” (Ford, 2007)
- “There is no common faith among us” (Abraham, 2009)
- “Try It, You’ll Like It!”: The Promises and Pitfalls of Renewal in the Methodist Tradition (Abraham, 2010)
- “Where Christ Is”, Christology and Ethics Conference (Webster, 2008)
- “Before I formed you in the womb…”: A Guide to the Ethics of Reproductive Medicine from the Council of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE, 2017)
- “He opened up to them everything in the Scriptures concerning himself” (Lk 24, 27b): How can we recover Christological and Ecclesial habits of Catholic Bible Reading? (Alison, 2007)
- “How Can I Understand, Unless Someone Explains It to Me?” (Acts 8:30–31): Evangelicals and Biblical Hermeneutics (Provan, 2007)
- “Like being dragged through a bush backwards”: Hints of the shape of conversion’s adventure (Alison, 2010)
- “Like children sitting in the market place”: a teaching on Wisdom, vanity and desire (Alison, 2007)
- “Prophet to the Nations”: Missional Reflections on the Book of Jeremiah (Chris Wright, 2009)
- “The Disciple Jesus Loved”: Witness, Author, Apostle— A Response to Richard Bauckham’s Jesus and the Eyewitnesses by Andreas J. Köstenberger and Stephen O. Stout (2008)
- 2 Samuel – Introduction (Goldingay, 2014)
- 2 Samuel – Introduction (Goldingay, 2015)
- A “Sermon” on Psalm 103 (Goldingay)
- A Call for Reckoning: Religion and the Death Penalty (Meilaender, Dulles, Budziszewski and others, 2002)
- A Case Against Permitting Intentional Medical Killing (Biggar, 2009)
- A Christian Perspective on Sexual Identity (Yarhouse, 2010)
- A Complex God (Hauerwas, 2001)
- A Conversation on the Nature of Evil (Brueggemann, 2011)
- A discussion of pneumatology and the linguistic turn to practice, with reference to Kevin Vanhoozer’s canonical-linguistic approach to Christian theology (Bellenger, 2009)
- A GodSpy Interview with William T. Cavanaugh (Cavanaugh, 2008)
- A life-enhancing encounter with Jesus Christ?: Teaching RE/Christianity in Church Schools (Ford, 2013)
- A Moderate Reformed Doctrine of Original Sin (Crisp, 2015)
- A Place For God? (Hauerwas, 2006)
- A proposal for how Christians and non Christians should relate to each other in the light of Alasdair MacIntyre, Germain Grisez and Oliver O’Donovan’s work (Bretherton, 2001)
- A Public Gospel (NT Wright, 2013)
- A relevant gospel (NT Wright, 2013)
- A Right To Health? (O’Donovan, 2010)
- A Run Through Romans 8 (NT Wright, 2016)
- A Season of Repentance: An Open Letter to United Methodists (Hays, 2004)
- A Sermon for Laetare Sunday (O’Donovan, 2006)
- A sermon preached in York Minster on the occasion of the Consecration of Bishop Tom Wright (O’Donovan, 2003)
- A Short History of Western Rights (Witte, 2006)
- A Theologian For These Times? Review of Hauerwas, With the Grain of the Universe (Marsh, 2002)
- A Theology of Desire (Coakley, 2015)
- A Theology of Hope (Love: The Foundation of Hope, Part 1) (Moltmann, 1988)
- A tradition of civility: the natural law as a tradition of moral inquiry (Porter, 2003)
- A Way in the Wilderness (Vanhoozer, 2014)
- A Well-Founded Hope: Old Testament Perspectives on Hope and Anguish (VanGemeren, 2016)
- A Year of the Bible: Brueggemann on Exile Today (Brueggemann, 2014)
- A Year of the Bible: Brueggemann on the Prophetic Tradition of the Old Testament (Brueggemann, 2014)
- Aboard the Disco Boat Queen (Alison, 2005)
- Abortion and Argument by Analogy (1982)
- Abortion and the Meaning of Parenthood (Meilaender, 1999)
- Abortion, Theologically Understood, Taskforce of United Methodists (Hauerwas, 1991)
- Abraham, William – Profile
- Action and Rest (O’Donovan, 2014)
- Acts Part 1: Kingdom (NT Wright, 2013)
- Acts Part 2: Paul (NT Wright, 2013)
- Acts Part 3:Salvation (NT Wright, 2013)
- Ad Hector: Response to Kevin Hector’s Theology without Metaphysics (Crisp, 2013)
- Advent and Christmas Lectionary Meditations (Alison, 2007)
- Affirming Catholicism Response to Towards An Anglican Covenant
- Affirming Catholicism’s Response to Nassau
- After Iraq: When to go to war? (Biggar, 2017)
- After you Believe: Why Christian Character Matters (NT Wright, 2012)
- Agape and the Long Defeat (Hunsinger, 2016)
- Age-Retardation, Life-Extension, and the Relation Between the Generations (Meilaender, 2014)
- Alison, James – Profile
- All One Body (Wolterstorff, 2016)
- Allusion and the Psalms (Goldingay, 2011)
- Ambivalent Obsession: Review of Schwartz: The Curse of Cain: The Violent Legacy of Monotheism (Alison, 1997)
- America’s God (Part 1) (Hauerwas, 2009)
- America’s God (Part 2) (Hauerwas, 2009)
- America’s God (Part 3) (Hauerwas, 2009)
- An Act of Judgment? (O’Donovan, 2011)
- An Apology for Staying (Matt Jenson, 2006)
- An Atonement Update (Alison, 2006)
- An Honored Prophet: Stanley Hauerwas: “America’s Best Theologian”, Touchstone, Apr 2003 (Hauerwas)
- An Inclusive Ethic for the Twenty-First Century: Implications for Stem Cell Research (2009)
- An Interview with John Webster (Webster, 2008)
- An Interview with NT Wright on atonement by Michael Horton (Wright, 2018)
- An Interview with Walter Brueggemann (Brueggemann, 2016)
- An Open Letter to Revs. Adam Hamilton & Mike Slaughter (Abraham, 2014)
- Andrew Atherstone Critique of Nassau
- Anglican-Lutheran International Commission response to Nassau
- Anguish & Amnesia: The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion (Radner, 2016)
- Anne and the Difficult Gift of Stanley Hauerwas’s Church (Jonathan Tran, 2013 on Hauerwas)
- Annotated bibliography on the theology of work and economics (Forster, 2014)
- Annotated Old Testament Bibliography (Denver Seminary, 2016)
- Annotated Old Testament Bibliography on Exodus (Denver Seminary, 2016)
- Annotated Old Testament Bibliography on Jeremiah (Denver Seminary, 2016)
- Annotated Old Testament Bibliography on Psalms (Denver Seminary, 2016)
- Anscombe bibliography (Anscombe)
- Anscombe, Elizabeth – Profile
- Any news of what’s good for society? (1987)
- Appeals to the Bible in ecotheology and environmental ethics: A typology of hermeneutical stances (Horrell, 2008)
- Approaching the Millennium (Bauckham, 1999)
- Archbishop Gomez to CofE General Synod, July 2007, on Nassau
- Archbishop Rowan Williams. Pro Ecclesia (O’Donovan, 2003).
- Are There Christian Foundations for Political Liberty? (Wolterstorff, 2005)
- Arguing Honestly About Stem Cells (Meilaender, 2003)
- Article on America [headed Milan, 19th February] (Hauerwas)
- Ashley, Benedict – Profile
- Asking the Right Questions: The Oblique Approach to Apologetics (NT Wright, 2010)
- At Odds With the Pope: Legitimate Authority and Just Wars (Cavanaugh, 2003)
- Atherstone & Maiden (eds), Evangelicalism and the Church of England in the Twentieth Century
- Atonement and Eucharist (Stump, 2015)
- Atonement and the Cry of Dereliction from the Cross (Stump, 2012)
- Atonement: A Guide for the Perplexed (Matt Jenson, Adam Johnson, 2015)
- Atonement: New Testament Perspectives (Humphrey, 2000)
- Augustine and the Limits of Politics (Biggar, Gregory, 2015)
- Augustine and the Religion of the Pagan Rome (O’Donovan, 2017)
- Augustine on Politics and the Art of Unhappiness (Gregory, 2015)
- Augustine’s Theology of Preaching (Sanlon, 2014)
- Augustinian Inerrancy: A Well-Versed Account (Vanhoozer, 2013)
- Australia response to Nassau
- Australian Draft Covenant in response to Toward An Anglican Covenant
- Autism, Care and Christian Hope (Brian Brock, 2009)
- Available Actors, Appropriate Action: TheoDramatic Formation and Performance (Vander Lugt, 2013)
- B. B. Warfield on the Doctrine of Sanctification (Zaspel, 2012)
- Bader-Saye, Scott – Profile
- Banner, Michael – Profile
- Barth, Balthasar, and the Parable of the Lost Son (Migliore, 2015)
- Bauckham, Richard – Profile
- Bavinck Lecture: Blessing and Glory: Abraham Kuyper on the Beatific Vision (Boersma, 2017)
- Baylor Interview with Stanley Hauerwas (Hauerwas, 2013)
- Be Steadfast: A Letter to Confessing Christians (Abraham. 2000) [signatory]
- Be Who You Are: Karl Barth’s Ethics of Creation (Neal, 2010)
- Befriending a Vengeful God (Alison, 2004)
- Befriending the vacuum: Receiving responsibility for an ecclesial spirituality (Alison, 2009)
- Begbie, Jeremy – Profile
- Being Disabled in the New World of Genetic Testing: A Snapshot of Shifting Landscapes (Brian Brock)
- Being saved and being wrong (Alison, 1999)
- Benedict Ashley Online Resources
- Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield: The Man and His Work (Zaspel, 2012)
- Best Commentaries – Exodus
- Best Commentaries – Jeremiah
- Best Commentaries – Psalms
- Best Commentaries on Exodus by Tim Challies (2013)
- Best Commentaries on Jeremiah by Tim Challies (2013)
- Best Commentaries on Psalms by Tim Challies (2013)
- Bible in Five: Exodus (Mackie, 2011)
- Bible in Five: Genesis 1-12 (Mackie, 2011)
- Bible in Five: Genesis 12-50 (Mackie, 2011)
- Bible in Five: Jeremiah (Mackie, 2011)
- Bible in Five: Psalms (Mackie, 2011)
- Bible Mania – The Beginning (Steve Thomason)
- Bible Mania: Exodus – The Key Story of God’s Redemption (Steve Thomason)
- Bible Mania: Poets and Preachers (Steve Thomason)
- Bible Study Notes on Exodus (Goldingay, 1980)
- Biblical Justice (NT Wright, 2014)
- Biblical Studies Page on Exodus
- Biblical Studies Page on Jeremiah
- Biblical Studies Page on Psalms
- Biblical Theology of the Psalms Today: A Personal Perspective (Waltke, 2013)
- Bibliography of Homosexuality
- Biggar, Nigel – Profile
- Blessings and Curses: Imprecations and the Psalms (Hayes, 2016)
- Blindsided by God: reconciliation from the underside (Alison, 2006)
- Bockmuehl, Markus – Profile
- Body-piercing, the Natural Sense, and the Task of Theological Interpretation: a Hermeneutical Homily on John 19:34 (Vanhoozer, 2000)
- Boersma, Hans – Profile
- Bonhoeffer: The Truthful Witness (Hauerwas)
- Bonhoeffer’s Poetry – Wannenwetsch, Northcott and O’Donovan articles
- Books on the Doctrine of God (Fred Sanders, 2012)
- Books on the Doctrine of God (Vanhoozer, 2012)
- Bowing Before Christ – Nodding to the State? Reading Paul Politically with Oliver O’Donovan and John Howard Yoder (Dorothea H. Bertschmann, 2012)
- British Theology After a Trauma: Divisions & Conversations (Ford, 2000)
- British Theology, Movements & Churches (Ford, 2000)
- Brokeheart Mountain: Reflections on monotheism, idolatry and the Kingdom (Alison, 2009)
- Bruce Kaye response to Nassau
- Bruce Kaye’s Edits to Nassau
- Brueggemann on Ten Commandments (Brueggemann, 2007)
- Brueggemann, Walter – Profile
- By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed: On The Death Penalty (Bessette, Feser, Bradley & O’Callaghan, 2017)
- C.S. Lewis & The Conversion of the West (Abraham, 1998)
- C.S. Lewis and the Post Modern Generation: His Message 50 Years Later (McGrath, 2013)
- C.S. Lewis on Moral Education (Meilaender, 2005)
- Cahill, Lisa Sowle – Profile
- Called to be Human: An Agenda for Tomorrow’s Church (NT Wright, 2010)
- Calvin and Sola Scriptura (Horton, 2017)
- Calvin and the Body: An Inquiry into His Anthropology (Alida Sewell, 2011)
- Calvin and the Extent of the Atonement (Boersma, 1992)
- Can a Scientist Trust the New Testament? – Lecture (NT Wright, 2014)
- Can a Scientist Trust the New Testament? – Q&A (NT Wright, 2014)
- Canada response to Nassau
- Canadian Windsor Response Report Group
- Cardinal Pell and the Theology of the Nation State (Cavanaugh, 2005)
- Catechism (Radner, 2016)
- Catholic Foundations of Human Rights (Porter, 2014)
- Caught in the Middle: Jeremiah’s Vocational Crisis (Fretheim, 2002)
- Celebration of Biblical Preaching (Brueggemann, 2011)
- Certainty and Charity. Presentation to House of Bishops Advisory Group on Sexuality (O’Donovan, 2012)
- Challenging deceptive sacrificial notions in Christianity (Alison, 2004)
- Character Development & Virtue (NT Wright, 2010)
- Childs, Brevard S., The Book of Exodus: A Critical, Theological Commentary (Westminster John Knox Press, 1974)
- Chris Wright Q&A (Chris Wright, 2014)
- Christ & Reconciliation (Cessario, 1991)
- Christ: Our Glory and Strength (Vanhoozer, 2015)
- Christian Ethics & Modern Society (Gregory, 2014)
- Christian Hope in a Confusing World – Colossians 1:9-23 (NT Wright, 2013)
- Christian Love and Forgiveness in the Context of Human Conflict (Biggar, 2013)
- Christianity and Culture Conversation (NT Wright, 2013)
- Christianity and Democracy in Global Context: Introduction (Witte, 1993)
- Christianity and Human Rights (Witte, 2010)
- Christianity and the Soul of the University (Hays, 2004)
- Christianity, Culture and the Two Kingdoms (VanDrunen, 2010)
- Christians and The Psalms (Strawn, 2014)
- Christocentric Interpretation of the Beatitudes (Hunsinger, 2014)
- Church Matters (Hauerwas, 2013)
- Church of England on war and peace (Biggar)
- Church of England response to Nassau
- Church, State & Marriage: Three Reformation Models (Witte, 2003)
- Citizens of Heaven (Hauerwas, 2013)
- Civil Partnerships Five Years On
- Clyde Glandon on Nassau
- Cohabitation in the 21st century by John Hayward and Guy Brandon (Jubilee Centre, 2010)
- Cohabitation Report
- Collapsing the closet in the house of God: opening the door on gay/straight issues (Alison, 2005)
- Colossians 1:24 Again: The Apocalyptic Motif (Bauckham, 1975)
- Comments on Exodus Commentaries by Jo Bailey Wells (Biblical Studies Bulletin, 2000)
- Comments on Jeremiah Commentaries by Graham Davies (Biblical Studies Bulletin, 2003)
- Comments on Psalms Commentaries by Steven Croft (Biblical Studies Bulletin, 1997)
- Common Objects of Love – Stob Lectures (O’Donovan, 2001)
- Communicating the Good: The Politics and Ethics of ‘The Common Good’ (O’Donovan, 2016)
- Condemnation and Grace: Polygamy and Concubinage in the Old Testament (Davidson, 2015)
- Conference in Honour of Gilbert Meilaender [4 videos] (Meilaender and others, 2015)
- Confessing Christ: A Quest for Renewal in Contemporary Christianity (Abraham)
- Confessing Conference (Abraham, 1995)
- Confessions of A Mennonite Camp Follower (Hauerwas, 2000)
- Conflict – A moral imperative? Just war and humanitarian intervention. With Clare Short (2013)
- Consumption, The Market and the Eucharist (Cavanaugh, 2005)
- Contemplation and monotheism: On the indispensability of irrelevance (Alison, 2003)
- Contraception and Chastity (Anscombe, 1972)
- Control is Good, but Trust is Better (Moltmann, 2013)
- Conversations Among Exiles (Brueggemann, 1997)
- Conversations with History: Religion and Law (Witte, 2011)
- Countering Pharaoh (Brueggemann, 2006)
- Courageous Leadership in Christian Sex/Gender Conflicts (3 lectures & responses) (Williams Paris, 2015)
- Covenant (Goldingay)
- Covenant As A Subversive Paradigm (Brueggemann, 1980)
- Creator, Creation, and Creature: God and God and His World (Hayward Lecture 1) (Webster, 2009)
- Creator, Creation, and Creature: God and God and His World (Hayward Lecture 2) (Webster, 2009)
- Creator, Creation, and Creature: God and God and His World (Hayward Lecture 3) (Webster, 2009)
- Daniel – Introduction (Goldingay, 2014)
- Daniel – Introduction (Goldingay, 2015)
- Daniel – Introduction Part 2 (Goldingay, 2014)
- David Howard on the Psalms: 11 videos (Howard, 2015)
- Death (Hauerwas, 2010 with Sr Frances Dominica)
- Death and Afterlife in the Psalms (Goldingay)
- Defending Just War Theories: Three Views (Meilaender, Toner & Hittinger, 2002)
- Deliver Me From My Necessities: Augustinian Reflections on the Use of Force (Meilaender, 2014)
- Deliver us from evil (Alison, 2005)
- Desiderata for Models of the Hypostatic Union (Crisp, 2013)
- Deuteronomy – Introduction (Goldingay, 2014)
- Deuteronomy – Introduction (Goldingay, 2015)
- Deuteronomy: Ethics, Theology, Pastoral Strategy (Goldingay)
- Deuteronomy: The Gospel According to Moses (Block, 2016)
- Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology (Crisp, 2014)
- Devotion to Jesus Christ in Earliest Christianity—An Appreciation and Discussion of Hurtado’s Work (Bauckham, 2011)
- Dialogue with Christine Pohl (Pohl, 2013)
- Dick Staub excerpt of interviews with Tom Wright on Paul & the Faithfulness of God (NT Wright, 2014)
- Dick Staub interviews Tom Wright on Paul & the Faithfulness of God (NT Wright, 2014)
- Did all the Gospel Writers Believe Jesus was Divine? (Hays, 2014)
- Did God Command Genocide? (Hofreiter, 2012)
- Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? (NT Wright, 2007)
- Did Moses Write about Jesus? The Challenges of Figural Reading (Hays, 2015)
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Psalms (Miller, 1994)
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Truth and Politics (Hauerwas, 2008)
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Theologian of the Word of God (Ziegler, 2013)
- Discerning the Dawn: History, Eschatology and New Creation: Gifford Lectures 2018 (NT Wright, 2018)
- Discipleship and Calling (Webster, 2005)
- Discipleship and Obedience (Webster, 2005)
- Discipleship and the Shape of Belonging (Alison, 2006)
- Discipleship As A Craft, Church As A Disciplined Community (Hauerwas, 1991)
- Disciplining the Law: A Conversation with Joan Lockwood O’Donovan (Lockwood O’Donovan, 2016)
- Discovering Genesis (Provan, 2017)
- Diversity and Theologically Grounded Human Rights (Lockwood O’Donovan)
- Divine Action and Analogy (Abraham)
- Divine Adoption in the Confessions of the Reformation Period (Saito, 2016)
- Divine and Human Community in the Gospel of John (Bauckham, 2013)
- Divine Election: Reason for Fear or for Praise? (Boersma, 2014)
- Divine Identity as a Conceptual Tool for Understanding New Testament Christology (Bauckham, 2017)
- Divorce and remarriage in the Old Testament: A Fresh Look at Deut 24.1-4 (Davidson, 2000 & 2011)
- Do The Right Things, Dammit (Hauerwas profile, 2001)
- Do you follow a plan for you own Bible reading? (NT Wright, 2010)
- Does Marriage Still Matter? (Davidson, 2009)
- Does Religion Cause Violence (Cavanaugh, 2006)
- Does Sexual Orientation Equal Identity (Williams Paris, 2012)
- Doing Church: The Theatre of the Gospel, Asbury Theological Seminary, 16 Mar 2007 (Vanhoozer, 2007)
- Dolent gaudentque. Sorrow in the Christian Life (Webster)
- Dr. Constable’s Expository Bible Notes on Exodus (Constable, 2016)
- Dr. Constable’s Expository Bible Notes on Genesis (Constable, 2017)
- Dr. Constable’s Expository Bible Notes on Jeremiah (Constable, 2016)
- Dr. Constable’s Expository Bible Notes on Psalms (Constable, 2016)
- Dying for the Eucharist or Being Killed by It?: Romero’s Challenge to First-World Christians (Cavanaugh, 2001)
- Eberhard Jungel: The Humanity of God and the Humanity of Man (Webster, 1984)
- Ecclesial Discernment (O’Donovan, 2017)
- Ecclesiology and Ethics in 1 Corinthians (Hays, 1994)
- Ecclesiology and indifference: challenges for gay and lesbian ministry (Alison, 2002)
- Ecological Hermeneutics: Reflections on Methods and Prospects for the Future (Horrell, 2014)
- Ecological Hope in Crisis (Bauckham, 2012)
- Ecological Hope in Crisis (Bauckham)
- Edward Schillebeeckx: God is always absolutely new (Webster, 1984)
- Effectual Call or Causal Effect? Summons, Sovereignty and Supervenient Grace (Vanhoozer, 1998)
- Elements of Moral Theology, Course Outline at International Catholic Univeristy
- Elizabeth Anscombe Online Resources
- Embarrassed by the Church: Congregations and the Seminary [with Will Willimon]. (Hauerwas, 1986)
- Embodying the Gospel in Community (Hays, 2000)
- Embracing the Prophets in Contemporary Culture: Confronting Today’s Pharaohs (Brueggemann, 2012)
- Emotions & The Bible: Introductory Bibliography (Denver Seminary, 2015)
- Empire of the Empty Shrine (Cavanaugh, 2005)
- Enjoying God Forever: Theology of the Psalter (Miller, 2013)
- Enough Is Enough (Brueggemann, 2001)
- Enter the Bible: Exodus
- Enter the Bible: Genesis
- Enter the Bible: Jeremiah
- Enter the Bible: Psalms
- Entitled Neighbours: A Biblical Perspective On Living Wage (Brueggemann, 2002)
- Ephesians: A Quick Tour (Wright, 2010)
- Ephraim Radner Presentation to US Bishops on Nassau
- Equality and Life Issues: A Scorecard (Finnis, 2011)
- Equus: Human Conflicts and the Trinity (Hays, 1977)
- Eschatological Justice and the Cross: Violence and Penal Substitution (Boersma, 2003)
- Etched in Flesh (Brueggemann, 2015)
- Eternity and Temporality: Eternal God, Creaturely Time and Eternal Life in the Theology of Karl Barth (Greggs, 2015)
- Ethics and Preaching (Messer, 2015)
- Ethics at the end of life – after Schiavo (Meilaender, 2005)
- Ethics in the Light of the Resurrection (Hays, 2003)
- Eucharist and Immortality: Thinking One Reformed Way (Nimmo, 2015)
- Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Social Imagination in Early Modern Europe (Cavanaugh, 2001)
- Eugene Peterson & Bono on the Psalms (Peterson, 2016)
- Evangelicalism and Liberalism (McGrath, 1993)
- Evangelicals & Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the 3rd Millennium (1994, endorsed by Abraham)
- Evangelism and Discipleship: The God Who Calls, the God Who Sends (Brueggemann, 2004)
- Evening Conversation with Jeremy Begbie (Begbie, 2015)
- Evil (NT Wright, 2012)
- Evolution, Original Sin, and Human Nature (Crisp, 2015)
- Excerpt from Knowing Jesus, regarding “justification by faith” (Alison, 1993)
- Excerpts from Hauerwas Reader (Hauerwas)
- Exile Today (Brueggemann, 2014)
- Exiled Preacher – The Kevin Vanhoozer Interview (Vanhoozer, 2007)
- Exodus – An Overview by Steve Thomason
- Exodus – Introduction (Goldingay, 2014)
- Exodus – Introduction (Goldingay, 2015)
- Exodus (Beginnings by Steve Thomason)
- Exodus (Bibledex)
- Exodus (Paul House)
- Exodus (Stuart)
- Exodus 1-18: Resources and Responses (Goldingay)
- Exodus 19-40: Resources and Responses (Goldingay)
- Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5: You Shall Not Covet (Goldingay)
- Exodus 33-34 (Goldingay)
- Exodus Commentaries and Resources at Precept-Austin
- Exodus Interpretive Questions (Hildebrandt)
- Exodus Lecture 1 (Audio) at Gordon College (Enns, 2011)
- Exodus Lecture 1 at Gordon College (Enns, 2011)
- Exodus Lecture 2 (Audio) at Gordon College (Enns, 2011)
- Exodus Lecture 2 at Gordon College (Enns, 2011)
- Exodus Lecture 3 (Audio) at Gordon College (Enns, 2011)
- Exodus Lecture 3 at Gordon College (Enns, 2011)
- Exodus Lecture 4 (Audio) at Gordon College (Enns, 2011)
- Exodus Lecture 4 at Gordon College (Enns, 2011)
- Exodus Lecture Powerpoint Video (Paul House)
- Exodus Lecture Transcript (Paul House)
- Exodus Lecture Transcript (Stuart)
- Exodus OT eSources Article Collection (Hildebrandt, 2004)
- Exodus, Historiography, and Some Theological Reflections (Enns, 2007)
- Exodus: A Guide to Resources
- Exodus: A Guide to Site Resources
- Exodus: A New Hope (Thirty Seconds or Less)
- Exodus: A Newly Nomadic People (Thirty Seconds or Less)
- Exodus: Rough and Working Bibliography (Hildebrandt, 2004)
- Expectation and Human Flourishing (Moltmann, 2015)
- Experience the Drama: Interview with Kevin Vanhoozer (Vanhoozer, 2006)
- Experiencing God: Psalm 119 (Chris Wright, 2000)
- Exploring Exodus by T. Desmond (Desi) Alexander (2007)
- Exploring the New Paradigm: Girard and the Christianity of the 21st Century (Alison, 2013)
- Extract from J. Daniel Hays, “Jeremiah and Lamentations” (2016)
- Extract from Victor P. Hamilton, “Exodus: An Exegetical Commentary”
- Eyewitness testimony in the Bible’s accounts of Jesus (Bauckham)
- Facing (Ford, 1999)
- Facts and Fictions of Separation of Church and State (Witte, 2005)
- Faith and Globalization – Interview with Joan Lockwood O’Donovan by Miroslav Volf (Lockwood O’Donovan)
- Faith and Human Rights (Lockwood O’Donovan)
- Faith Fires Back: A Conversation with Stanley Hauerwas (Cavanaugh with Hauerwas, 2001)
- Faith, Freedom, and the Family: The New Challenges of faith-Based Family Laws in Western Democracies (Witte, 2012)
- Faithfulness First (Hauerwas, 2002)
- Fifty Percent of the Psalms (Thirty Seconds or Less)
- Fighting the Good Fight (Rodin, 2016)
- Figural Reading of the Old Testament in the New: Seminar (Hays and others, 2015)
- Finding a narrative (Alison, 2007)
- First Corinthians: A Biblical Theology and Hermeneutic for Today (Thiselton, 2008)
- First Steps to a Theology of Nature (Bauckham, 1986)
- Five Questions with Oliver O’Donovan (O’Donovan, 2015)
- Flame of Yahweh: A Theology of Sexuality in the Old Testament (Reviews and Response) (Davidson, 2009)
- Following the still small voice: Experience, truth and argument as lived by Catholics around the gay issue (Alison, 2003)
- For Whom were the Gospels Written? (Bauckham, 1999)
- Foreword to “Trinitarian Theology after Barth” (Webster, 2012)
- Forming Scriptural Imagination (Hauerwas, Hays, Davis & Jones, 2013)
- Freedom and its Loss: Hopes and Fears for the Political Order. Gore Lecture (O’Donovan, 2002)
- Freedom of a Christian: The Lutheran Reformation as Revolution (Witte, 2004)
- Fretheim, Terence E., Exodus (Interpretation Series, Westminster John Knox Press,1991)
- From impossibility to responsibility: developing new narratives for gay catholic living (Alison, 2010)
- From the Heart Come Forth Words and Deeds that Defile (Finnis, 2017)
- Funeral Meditation: He Read the Book (Hunsinger, 2008)
- Galatians: A Letter for Today (Moo, 2014)
- Garrett, Duane A., A Commentary on Exodus (Kregel, 2014)
- Gender Dysphoria (Yarhouse, 2016)
- Gender: where next? Personal journeys, radical agendas and perplexing dilemmas (Townsend, 2016)
- General in a small army: Hauerwas battles for pacifism (Hauerwas profile, 2003)
- Genesis – Introduction (Goldingay, 2015)
- Genesis (Bibledex)
- Genesis (Moberly, 2011)
- Genesis (Steve Thomason)
- Genesis (Stuart)
- Genesis 1 and Psalm 104 the Creation Theme (Goldingay)
- Genesis 21 (Goldingay)
- Genesis 6: God Saw that The Whole World Was Corruupt and Full of Violence (Goldingay)
- Genesis Lecture Powerpoint Video (Paul House)
- Genesis Lecture Transcript (House)
- Genesis Lecture Transcript (Stuart)
- Genesis Part 1 (Steve Thomason)
- Genesis Part 2 (Steve Thomason)
- Genesis, Exodus: The Logic of Intercession (Goldingay)
- Genesis: Being Human (Goldingay)
- Genesis: Original Sin (Goldingay)
- Genesis: Postmodernizing Eve and Adam (Goldingay)
- Genesis: Rereading Eve and Adam (Goldingay)
- Genesis: The Place of Ishmael (Goldingay)
- Genesis: The Theme of Genesis 12-50 (The Patriarchs in Scripture and History) (Goldingay)
- Genetics, Conversation and Conversion: A Discourse at the Interface of Molecular Biology and Christian Ethics (Brian Brock)
- George Elliott on Nassau
- Getting Brutally Honest with God (Longman, 2015)
- Getting Started with Exodus (Stouffer/Hildebrandt, 2012)
- Gifts of the Body (Meilaender, 2006)
- Girard and the analogy of desire (Alison, 2011)
- Girard’s breakthrough (Alison, 1996)
- Global South Draft Covenant in response to Towards An Anglican Covenant
- God and Country (Hauerwas profile, 2002)
- God and Desire (Alison, 2007)
- God Crucified: Early Jewish Monotheism and New Testament Christology (Bauckham, 2012)
- God the Son: Trinitarian Christology (Cessario, 2013)
- God, Abraham and the Abuse of Isaac (Fretheim, 1995)
- God, Evil and Possibility (Kantzer Lectures) (Blocher, 2015)
- God, Sexuality and the Self (Coakley, 2014)
- God, the Tsunami, and 9/11: The New Problem of Evil (NT Wright, 2010)
- God’s Power and Human Flourishing: A Biblical Inquiry After Charles Taylor’s “A Secular Age” (Ford, 2008)
- God’s powerful foolishness in a world of foolish power (NT Wright, 2016)
- Good God? A conversation with Professor N.T. Wright (NT Wright, 2014)
- Good Shepherd (Alison, 1999)
- Good without God? (O’Donovan)
- Good-faith learning and the fear of God (Alison, 2005)
- Gospel Theater: Rehearsing, Improvising, Performing (Vanhoozer, 2009)
- Gospel Theater: Staging, Scripting, Directing (Vanhoozer, 2009)
- Government as Judgment (O’Donovan, 1999)
- Grotius and the Religion of Reformed Europe (O’Donovan, 2017)
- Grounded: Creation and Economic Crisis (Cavanaugh, 2009)
- Halo Effect (Is.60:1-6; Ps. 72:1-7, 10-14; Eph. 3:1-12; Matt. 2:1-12) (Alison, 2007)
- Hamilton, Victor P., Exodus: An Exegetical Commentary (Baker, 2011)
- Hans Boersma Online Resources
- Hans Urs Von Balthasar – The Paschal Mystery (Webster, 1983)
- Hays, Gaventa and Gorman on Romans (Hays)
- Hayward Lecture 1: What You Have Received: What the Bible REALLY Says about Tradition – The Problem with Tradition (Humphrey, 2010)
- Hayward Lecture 2: What You Have Received: What the Bible REALLY Says about Tradition – Lost in Translation? (Humphrey, 2010)
- Hayward Lecture 3: What You Have Received: What the Bible REALLY Says about Tradition – Tradition, The Bible and The Personal (Humphrey, 2010)
- Healing Our Doctrinal Dyslexia (Abraham, 1995)
- Hearing the Sound of God’s Silence (Hauerwas, 2014)
- Hearing Voices: The Trinity Speaking in the Old Testament (Fred Sanders, 2015)
- Help Me Teach the Psalms (Futato, 2014)
- Hermeneutics of the Pentateuch (Goldingay)
- History and Interpretation in the Resurrection Narratives of the Canonical Gospels (NT Wright, 2013)
- History Will Not Absolve Us (Hunsinger, 2008)
- History, Eschatology and New Creation (NT Wright, 2017)
- Holy Spirit & Scripture (Vanhoozer, 2014)
- Home for Good (Hauerwas, 2015)
- Homosexuality (Hays, 1996)
- Homosexuality and Christian Faithfulness (Hill, 2016)
- Homosexuality: A Christian View (Hill, 2016)
- Homosexuality: A Christian View (Yarhouse, 2016)
- Honesty as challenge, honesty as gift: What way forward for gay and lesbian Catholics? (Alison, 2003)
- Hong Kong response to Nassau
- Hope (NT Wright, 2010)
- Hope and Christian Bioethics Conference: 7 Lectures (Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity, 2016)
- Hospitality, A Practice and a Way of Life (Pohl, 2002)
- How (Not) to Be a Political Theologian (Hauerwas, 2017)
- How Christians relate to the world (Biggar, 2013)
- How Do We Read the Bible (Hays, 2013)
- How Do We Read the Bible? (Hays)
- How Do We Read the Bible? (Yeago, 2013)
- How do we talk about the Spirit? (Alison, 2007)
- How do you keep your own spiritual life fresh? (NT Wright, 2010)
- How Do You Know Whether You Are A Man or A Woman? (Stiegemeyer, 2015)
- How God Became King : Why We’ve All Misunderstood the Gospels (NT Wright, 2012)
- How God Became King (NT Wright, 2013)
- How Green is the Bible (Horrell, 2011)
- How I Became A Wesleyan (Abraham, 2015)
- How Karl Barth Taught Me To Preach (Willimon, 2015)
- How Moltmann Shaped Theology: AAR Interview with Moltmann Part 2 (Moltmann, 2015)
- How Much is Enough? The Love of Money and the Case for the Good Life (McDonald Centre, 2014)
- How Odd for God to Choose (Lecture I): The Wonderful Scandal of the God who Elects to Work through Preaching (Willimon, 2014)
- How Odd for God to Choose (Lecture II): God’s Gracious Election as the Basis for Preaching and Authorization of the Preacher (Willimon, 2014)
- How Odd for God to Choose (Lecture III): The Joys and Perils of Working with a God who Graciously Elects (Willimon, 2014)
- How Paul Invented Christian Theology – Lecture (NT Wright, 2014)
- How Paul Invented Christian Theology – Q&A (NT Wright, 2014)
- How St Paul Changed the World – Interview with Tom Wright (NT Wright, 2018)
- How The Early Church Practiced Charity: Review of Peter Brown, Poverty & Leadership In the Later Roman Empire (Brueggemann, 2003)
- How To Be Theologically Funny (Hauerwas, 2014)
- How To Change the World: Peace (Hauerwas, 2013 with Brother Samuel SSF)
- How to Read the Book of Revelation (Bauckham)
- How to Speak Human (Vanhoozer, 2016)
- Human Dignity & Biotechnology (Meilaender, 2011)
- Human Evolution and Christian Ethics: A Critical Appropriation (Pope, 2009)
- Human rights language in today’s globalized world: Interview with Miroslav Volf (Witte, 2009)
- Human Rights Norms and Cultures (Witte, 2011)
- Human Sexuality… or Ecclesial Discourse? (Alison, 2004)
- Humanity and Sin (Matt Jenson, 2011)
- Humanity’s Reflection (Matt Jenson, 2013)
- IASCER Response to Towards An Anglican Covenant
- IATDC Response to Towards An Anglican Covenant
- Idolatry (Brueggemann, 2015)
- Imagining the Good Life (Smith, James KA, 2013)
- Improvising Theology according to the Scriptures: An Evangelical Account of the Development of Doctrine (Vanhoozer, 2015)
- Imprudent Jurisprudence? Human Rights and Moral Contingency (Biggar, 2014)
- In Bright Shadow: C.S. Lewis on the Imagination for Theology and Discipleship (Vanhoozer, 2013)
- In Response: Forgiveness & Forgetting (Hauerwas, 1980)
- In Search of Unity (Abraham, 1997-1998)
- In Time of War: An Exchange (Hauerwas, 2002)
- Inclusive Church Response to Towards An Anglican Covenant
- Inclusivism, Idolatry, and the Survival of the (Fittest) Faithful (Abraham)
- Infallible Teaching & The Gift of Divine Truth (Cessario, 2000)
- Infanticide (Biggar, 2012)
- Inspiration, Revelation & Divine Action: A Study in Modern Methodist Theology (Abraham, 1984)
- Integral Mission and the Great Commission (Chris Wright, 2014)
- Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations response to Nassau
- Inter-Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission response to Nassau
- Inter-Anglican Youth Network response to Nassau
- International Human Rights and Religion (Witte, 2011)
- Interview at Oklahoma Christian University (NT Wright, 2014)
- Interview with Chris Wright (Chris Wright, 2008)
- Interview with Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer (Vanhoozer, 2014)
- Interview with Duane A. Garrett on his new Exodus commentary (2015)
- Interview with Eric Gregory (Gregory, 2013)
- Interview with Hauerwas (Hauerwas, 2003)
- Interview with John Witte (Witte, 2012)
- Interview with NT Wright (NT Wright, 2016)
- Interview with Oliver O’Donovan (O’Donovan, 2001)
- Interview with Richard Hays (Hays, 2016)
- Interview with Richard Hays by John E. Anderson (Hays, 2010)
- Interview with Robert George (George, 2010)
- Interview with Rod Liddle (Biggar, 2018)
- Interview with Romanus Cessario
- Interview with Romanus Cessario (Cessario, 2004)
- Interview with Santiago Legarre (Finnis, 2012)
- Interview with Stanley Hauerwas by Jim Wallis (Hauerwas, 2001)
- Into the Far Country: The Betrayal of Joseph and the Trial of Jesus (O’Donovan, 2017)
- Intro to OT Study 3 & Genesis – Introduction (Goldingay, 2014)
- Introducing Barth, from Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth (Webster, 2000)
- Introduction to Genesis and Exodus (Goldingay)
- Introduction to OT Study (Goldingay, 2014)
- Introduction to OT study (Goldingay, 2015)
- Introduction to OT Study 2 (Goldingay, 2014)
- Introduction to Psalms (Thomason)
- Introduction to The Moral Virtues and Theological Ethics (Cessario, 2008)
- Introduction to the Psalms- Five Talks from St Helen’s Bishopsgate (Hely-Hutchinson, 2012)
- Ireland response to Nassau
- Is Genesis 3 a Fall Story? (Fretheim, 1994)
- Is God A Figment of Our Imagination? (McGrath, 2017)
- Is God Present in the Song of Songs? (Davidson, 2005)
- Is it Ethical to be Catholic? – Queer Perspectives (Alison, 2006)
- Is Ransom Enough? (Crisp, 2014)
- Is Ransom Enough? (Crisp, 2015)
- Is the doctrine of inerrancy defensible? (Horton, 2013)
- Is the Wrath of God Really Satisfying? (McCall, 2018)
- Isaiah – Introduction (Goldingay, 2014)
- Isaiah – Introduction (Goldingay, 2015)
- Israel in Pauline Theology (NT Wright, 2014)
- James Alison Online Resources
- James Philip’s Bible Reading Notes on Exodus (1981)
- James Philip’s Bible Reading Notes on Jeremiah (1982)
- James Philip’s Bible Reading Notes on Psalms (1992)
- Japan response to Nassau
- Jean Porter on her Moral Theology (Porter, 2016)
- Jeremiah – Introduction (Goldingay, 2014)
- Jeremiah – Introduction (Goldingay, 2015)
- Jeremiah (Bibledex)
- Jeremiah (Paul House)
- Jeremiah (Stuart)
- Jeremiah 2 Sermon (Goldingay)
- Jeremiah 31.27-34 (Goldingay)
- Jeremiah 7.22 (Motyer, 1956)
- Jeremiah and the Superpower (Goldingay)
- Jeremiah Commentaries and Resources at Precept-Austin
- Jeremiah Lecture Powerpoint Video (Paul House)
- Jeremiah Lecture Transcript (Paul House)
- Jeremiah Lecture Transcript (Stuart)
- Jeremiah Lectures (Yates, 2013)
- Jeremiah Resources and Responses (Goldingay)
- Jeremiah, Judgement and Creation (Lalleman, 2009)
- Jeremiah: A Guide to Site Resources
- Jeremiah: Because I Am (Thirty Seconds or Less)
- Jeremiah: Prophet and Book (McConville, 1991)
- Jeremiah: There Is No Peace (Thirty Seconds or Less)
- Jeremiah: Walking Into and Out of the Abyss – Week 1 (Brueggemann, 2013)
- Jeremiah: Walking Into and Out of the Abyss – Week 2 (Brueggemann, 2013)
- Jeremiah: Walking Into and Out of the Abyss – Week 3 (Brueggemann, 2013)
- Jeremiah: Walking Into and Out of the Abyss – Week 4 (Brueggemann, 2013)
- Jeremiah: What Makes A False Prophet? (Goldingay)
- Jeremy Begbie Online Writings
- Jesus and the Eyewitnesses (Bauckham, 2017)
- Jesus and the Eyewitnesses (Bauckham)
- Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: Dialogue with Atheist (Bauckham, 2009)
- Jesus and the God of Israel: Dialogue with Atheist (Bauckham, 2009)
- Jesus and the Gospels (Lecture 2) (NT Wright, 2016)
- Jesus and the People of God (NT Wright, 2010)
- Jesus and the Psalms (NT Wright, 2014)
- Jesus and the Renewal of Nature: Reading Isaiah and the Gospels ecologically (Bauckham, 2009)
- Jesus and the Wild (Bauckham, 2014)
- Jesus, God and Nature in the Gospels
- Jesus’ Divinity and Monotheism in the New Testament (Bauckham)
- Joan Lockwood O’Donovan Videos
- Job – Introduction (Goldingay, 2014)
- Job – Introduction (Goldingay, 2015)
- John – A Gospel for Individualists? Third Moule Memorial Lecture (Bauckham, 2010)
- John Milbank & Stanley Hauerwas in Conversation (Hauerwas, Milbank)
- John Wesley’s Conception and Use of Scripture (Abraham, 1998)
- Jonathan Edwards Among the Theologians (Crisp, 2016)
- Jonathan Edwards and “The Nature of Things”: Reclaiming a Doctrine of Creation for the Reformation Tradition (McDermott, 2017)
- Jonathan Edwards on Preaching (Crisp, 2013)
- Journey into Scholarship (Bauckham)
- Joy in Time: Augustinian Reflections (Gregory, 2014)
- Jubilee Tithe (Goldingay)
- Judgments of Desire (Porter, 2013)
- Judicial Council Decision 1032 and Ecclesiology (Abraham, 2007)
- Jurgen Moltmann – Trinity and Suffering (Webster, 1985)
- Jurgen Moltmann (Bauckham)
- Jurgen Moltmann and the Future of Theology (Moltmann, Meeks, Yong, Keeler, Volf, Morse, Jennings, 2015)
- Just War and the Contemporary Security Environment (Turner Johnson, 2015)
- Just War in the Midst of Combat? (Biggar, 2015)
- Just War Theory: Classical and contemporary issues (Capizi, Hedahl, Bagnulo, Skerker, 2015)
- Just War Tradition (Barrett, Luban, Wolfendale, 2015)
- Just War vs Pacifism (Biggar & Hauerwas, 2014)
- Karl Barth, Dogmatics In Outline (1947) (Hauerwas, 2000)
- Karl Barth’s Life and Thought: An Introduction (Hunsinger, 2015)
- Karl Barth’s Interpretation of the Prologue to John’s Gospel (Bauckham, 2015)
- Karl Rahner’s Theology of Grace (Webster, 1983)
- Katharine Grieb to US House of Bishops in March 2007 on Nassau
- Killing for the Telephone Company: Why the Nation-State is Not the Keeper of the Common Good (Cavanaugh, 2004)
- Kingdom & Cross: The Forgotten Message of the Gospels (NT Wright, 2012)
- Knowing Jesus: Story, History, and the Question of Truth (Hays, 2010)
- Knowledge, Meaning and the World’s Great Challenges: Reinventing Cambridge University in the Twenty-first Century (Ford, 2003)
- Laments in the Psalms (Oswalt, 2012)
- Law and Religion: The Challenges of Christian Jurisprudence (Witte)
- Law, Morality and “Sexual Orientation” (Finnis, 1994)
- Learning from Lambeth Conference 1998 and Primates’ Meetings 2002/2003, Submission to Lambeth Commission on Communion (Ford, 2004)
- Learning to Read the Bible Again (with Ellen Davis), (Hays, 2004)
- Lectures on Jeremiah (Yates)
- Lectures on the Psalms (Waltke, 2016)
- Lent 2013 Lectionary Meditations (Alison, 2013)
- Letter of response to friends in the aftermath of the Vatican Instruction of 29 November 2005 (Alison, 2005)
- Letter on collateral damage (1999)
- Letter to a young gay Catholic (Alison, 2008)
- Leviticus: Old Testament Sacrifice and the Death of Christ (Goldingay)
- Libertarian Calvinism and Universalism (Crisp, 2015)
- Lisa Sowle Cahill Online Resources
- Listening to “Discipleship”‘s ‘B-Side’ (Ziegler, 2017)
- Listening to God, Shaped by the Word (Humphrey, 2007)
- Listening To The Text, Review of Alter, The David Story (Brueggemann, 1999)
- Liturgy as Politics: An Interview with William Cavanaugh (Cavanaugh, 2005)
- Living the Great Tradition (Humphrey, 2013)
- Living the Magnificat (Alison, 2006)
- Living Through the Tension: Religion and Public Policy in the Thought of Gilbert Meilaender (Mark W. Foreman, 2008)
- Living Words for a Living Faith (Lockwood O’Donovan, 2014)
- Longman, Tremper. How To Read Exodus (IVP, 2009)
- Looking backwards for Christmas (Alison, 2001)
- Lost in Interpretation?: Truth, Scripture and Hermeneutics (Vanhoozer, 2005)
- Love and Forgiveness: A Thomistic Account (Stump, 2017)
- Love Your Enemy: Within a Divided Self (Alison, 2007)
- Love, Justice, And Suffering: An Interview with Nicholas Wolterstorff (Wolterstorff, 2017)
- Loving our Fellow-creatures: Christians and Animal Rights (Bauckham, 2003)
- Lusitanian Church response to Nassau
- Macbride Sermon on the Application of Messianic Prophecy (Bauckham, 2003)
- Made Strange by the Word in a Technological Age (Brian Brock, 2003)
- Making Children: Thinking about the Turn to Assisted Reproduction (Meilaender, 2015)
- Making Connections (Hauerwas, 2013)
- Mark Tully in conversation with James Alison (Alison, 2006)
- Mark’s Geography and the origin of Mark’s Gospel (Bauckham, 2014)
- Markus Bockmuehl Online Resources
- Marriage – A Treasure To Be Kept: Gender, Sexuality and Communion in the Bible and Christian Tradition (Humphrey, 2010)
- Marriage as a Covenant: A Study of Biblical Law and Ethics Governing Marriage Developed from the Perspective of Malachi (Hugenberger, 1991)
- Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage: Old Testament Foundations and New Testament Implications (Davidson)
- MCU Response To Towards An Anglican Covenant
- Meditation Upon the Abyss: The Book of Jeremiah (Brueggemann, 2002)
- Meet One of the Finest Theologians of the Last 50 Years: Oliver O’Donovan (Arbo, 2017)
- Meet This Book: Entering into Rest (O’Donovan, 2017)
- Meet This Book: Jesus and the Eyewitnesses (2nd edn) (Bauckham, 2017)
- Mel Gibson and Thomas Aquinas: How the Passion Works (Cessario, 2003)
- Memory as Temptation to Amnesia (Brueggemann, 2015)
- Memory as Temptation to Nostalgia (Brueggemann, 2015)
- Messianic Nation: A Christian Theological Critique of American Exceptionalism (Cavanaugh, 2005)
- Michael Banner Online Resources
- Militant Grace: The Apocalyptic Turn and the Future of Christian Theology (Intro & Chpt 1) (Ziegler, 2018)
- Ministry As More Than A Helping Profession [with Will Willimon]. (Hauerwas, 1989)
- Minor characters in the Bible’s accounts of Jesus (Bauckham)
- Mission Improbable: Stephen’s Martyrdom (O’Donovan, 2017, All Saints Sermon, Church of the Incarnation, Dallas)
- Missional Hermeneutic: Psalm 1 (Russell, 2014)
- Missional Hermeneutic: Psalm 2 (Russell, 2014)
- Modern Church People’s Union Response to Nassau
- Monotheism and idolatry: Preface to a conversation (Alison, 2013)
- Moral Knowledge: The Limits of Redeemed Vision (Meilaender, 2008)
- Morally Awake? Admiration and Resolution in the Light of Christian Faith. New College Lectures (O’Donovan, 2007)
- More on the Psalms (from Fuller)
- More Than a Mere Contract: Marriage as Contract and Covenant in Law and Theology (Witte, 2008)
- Myanmar response to Nassau
- N.T. Wright Talks About Paul’s Biography (NT Wright, 2018)
- N.T. Wright: Panel Discussion on Pauline Theology (NT Wright, 2014)
- National Identity and Refugees (Biggar, 2016)
- Natural Givens and Historical Freedom: Forming Families Through Adoption (Meilaender, 2015)
- Natural Law and Public Reason (George & Wolfe, 2000)
- Natural Law and Virtue in Relation to Positive Law and Governance (Porter, Hittinger, Weinreb, 2013)
- Natural Law in Catholic Social Teachings (Pope, 2005)
- Naturalism and the Doctrine of Creation (Sonderegger)
- Navigating uncharted waters: the gift of faith and growing up LGBT (Alison, 2007)
- Need for Lament (Brueggemann, 2010)
- New Christian Zionism (McDermott, 2018)
- New Studies in Dogmatics: Election (Crisp, 2015)
- New Testament Exegesis Bibliography (Denver Seminary, 2016)
- New Testament in Five Minutes with Tim Mackie
- New Theology and Religious Studies: Shaping, Teaching and Funding a Field (Ford)
- New Voices for Theology: Jeremy R. Treat’s “The Crucified King” (Vanhoozer, 2015)
- New Zealand response to Nassau
- Nicholas Wolterstorff’s Reformed Epistemology & Its Challenge to Lockean and Rawlsian Liberalism (Coyle, 2006)
- Nigel Biggar Online Resources
- Nigel Biggar’s Oxford Conversations (Biggar, 2017)
- Nine Modern Moralists (Ramsey, 1962)
- Not All Rainbows and Snoopies (Thirty Seconds or Less)
- Note on Divorce as a Disqualification for the Episcopate (O’Donovan, 2010)
- Nothing But the Present (Tanner, 2018)
- NT Wright on Natural Theology & Historical Exegesis (NT Wright, 2018)
- NT Wright on the Old Testament’s Relevance for Atonement & Why He Became a Biblical Scholar (NT Wright, 2018)
- Off By Nine Miles (Is 60:1-7; Mt 2.1-12) (Brueggemann, 2001)
- Old Testament E-Sources on Exodus (Hildebrandt)
- Old Testament E-Sources on Psalms (Hildebrandt)
- Old Testament Ethics Course Syllabus (Wycliffe College, Toronto, 2017)
- Old Testament Gateway on Exodus
- Old Testament Gateway on Psalms
- Old Testament in Five Minutes with Tim Mackie
- Old Testament Survey Lectures (Stuart)
- Old Testament Teaching on Polygamy (Breckenridge, 2004)
- Old Testament Theology Lectures (House, 2015)
- Oliver O’Donovan in Conversation (O’Donovan, 2013)
- Oliver O’Donovan on ethics (O’Donovan, 2007)
- On helping the Faithful negotiate confusion (Alison, 2007)
- On Helping the Faithful Negotiate Confusion: Homosexuality and the Church – Two Views (Alison 2007)
- On Moses (Brueggemann)
- On Retranslating Humanae Vitae (Finnis, 2008)
- On the Night of Pharaoh’s Surrender (Brueggemann)
- On Transubstantiation (Anscombe, 1974)
- Online Resources on the Psalms
- Only One Way? (D’Costa, Knitter & Strange, 2011)
- Ontology, Missiology, and the Travail of Christian Doctrine: A Conversation with Kevin Hector’s Theology without Metaphysics (Vanhoozer, 2013)
- Oral Evidence to Evangelical Alliance Faith and Nation Commission, (O’Donovan, 2003)
- Ordinary and Extraordinary Treatments: When Does Quality of Life Count? (Meilaender, 1997)
- Osterhaven Lecture 1: Mere Monotheism (Sonderegger, 2016)
- Osterhaven Lecture 2: The One Triune Lord (Sonderegger, 2016)
- Osterhaven Lecture 3: The Mission of the Divine Son (Sonderegger, 2016)
- OT501 Course Notes Regular Version (Goldingay)
- Our Twofold Dignity (Meilaender, 2010)
- Ourselves and the Religion of Modernity (O’Donovan, 2017)
- Outline for ethics: a response to Oliver O’Donovan
- Overview of the Book of Psalms (Hely-Hutchinson, 2012)
- Papers by Alvin Plantinga (Plantinga, Alvin)
- Papers on Wolterstorff’s “Justice: Rights & Wrongs” (Journal of Religious Ethics, 2009)
- Pastoring Polygamists: Biblical Counsel for the African Church (Schlehlein, 2013)
- Paul & The Faithfulness of God and The Paul Debate (NT Wright, 2016)
- Paul Among the Ecologists?: Rereading Paul in a Time of Environmental Crisis (Horrell, 2009)
- Paul and his Recent Interpreters (NT Wright, 2016)
- Paul and the Cross (Lecture 3) (NT Wright, 2016)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God – Introducing the Book in Durham (NT Wright, 2014)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God (NT Wright, 2013)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God (NT Wright, 2014)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God: A Conversation about Preaching (NT Wright, 2014)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God: A Conversation with Michael J. Gorman (NT Wright, 2014)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God: Justification and Spirit in Galatians 2 and Romans 8 (NT Wright, Hays, Gorman, 2014)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God: Part 1 (NT Wright, 2013)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God: Part 2 (NT Wright, 2013)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God: Part 3 (NT Wright, 2013)
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God: Part 4 (NT Wright, 2013)
- Paul and the People of God (NT Wright, 2010)
- Paul for Tomorrow’s World – Lecture (NT Wright, 2015)
- Paul for Tomorrow’s World – Q&A (NT Wright, 2015)
- Paul in his Jewish World (NT Wright, 2014)
- Paul Ramsey’s Style (Hauerwas, 2004)
- Paul Seminar (NT Wright, 2014 with Dr. Bruce Corley, and Dr. Ross Wagner)
- Paul’s Christology of Divine Identity (Bauckham)
- Paul’s Gospel, Righteousness, and the Beautiful Feet of N.T. Wright (Humphrey, 2010)
- People of the Land: New Christian Zionism Conference (2015)
- Perfection and Presence (Kantzer Lectures) (Webster, 2007)
- Performance Practice: A Dramatic Demonstration of Christian Truth (Vanhoozer, 2014)
- Perspectives on Death and Dying: Decisions at End of Life (Meilaender, 2011)
- Perspectives on Death and Dying: Dignity and Death (Meilaender, 2011)
- Perspectives on Death and Dying: Envisioning Death (Meilaender, 2011)
- Philippines response to Nassau
- Playing for Keeps with theologian James Alison (Alison, 2013)
- Playing for Keeps with theologian James Alison (Alison, 2013)
- Pledging Allegiance: A Theological Reflection on the Kobasa Case (Cavanaugh, 2006)
- Plotting Goodness Everywhere (Thirty Seconds or Less – McLaren)
- Poison or Cure?: Religious Belief in the Modern World (McGrath, 2007 with Christopher Hitchens)
- Political church and the profane state in John Milbank and William Cavanaugh by Richard Davis (2013)
- Political Theology: Interview with Oliver O’Donovan (O’Donovan, 2016)
- Polygamy and Monogamy: Expert Legal Report (Witte, 2010)
- Polygamy in the Bible With Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Missiology (Du Preez, 1993)
- Polygamy in the Old Testament (Davidson, 2007)
- Posthuman or Perfected Human?: Biotechnical Enhancement and the History of Redemption (Meilaender, 2015)
- Poverty (O’Donovan, 2017)
- Power to the People: Orthodoxy, Consociational Democracy, and the Move beyond Phyletism (Bretherton, 2017)
- Practising Hospitality in Troubled Times (Pohl, 2013)
- Praise: The Prophetic Public Presence of the Mentally Disabled (Brian Brock)
- Prayer and the Psalms (Goldingay, 2011)
- Prayer: A case study in mimetic anthropology (Alison, 2009)
- Praying and Praising with Psalms (Gordon Wenham, 2013)
- Praying for Shalom in the Psalms (Cornelius Plantinga, 2013)
- Praying the Psalms (Goldingay, 2006)
- Praying the Psalms (Gordon Wenham, 2006)
- Praying the Psalms (Gordon Wenham, 2013)
- Praying the Psalms (I): Personal, Pastoral, Theological and Liturgical Reflections (NT Wright, 2012)
- Praying the Psalms (II): Personal, Pastoral, Theological and Liturgical Reflections (NT Wright, 2012)
- Praying the Psalms: Personal, Pastoral, Theological and Liturgical Reflections Q&A (NT Wright, 2012)
- Preaching a Psalm of Lament (Ash, 2014)
- Preaching a Psalm of Praise (Ash, 2014)
- Preaching As Though We Had Enemies (Hauerwas, 1995)
- Preaching the Old Testament (Brueggemann, 2014)
- Preaching Without Apology (Hauerwas, 2013)
- Predestination: Karl Barth’s Doctrine of the Election of Grace (Moltmann, 2015)
- Pride’s Progress; Vice and Virtue in the New Testament (O’Donovan, 2014)
- Princeton Theological Seminary Recommended Exodus Commentaries (2010)
- Princeton Theological Seminary Recommended Jeremiah Commentaries (2010)
- Pro Ecclesia, Pro Texana: Schooling the Heart in the Heart of Texas (Hauerwas, 2003))
- Problems with Perichoresis (Crisp, 2005)
- Proclamation Trust resources on the Psalms
- Prodded to Life (Is. 11:1-10; Ps. 72:1-7, 18-19; Rom. 15:4-13; Matt. 3:1-12) (Alison, 2007)
- Products of the Will: Robertson’s “Children of Choice” (Meilaender, 1995)
- Profile of Oliver O’Donovan by Brent Waters
- Prophetic Ministry in Jeremiah and Ezekiel (Kathleen Rochester, Durham PhD, 2009)
- Prophets, Priests and Kings: John Milton and the Reformation of Rights and Liberties in England (Witte, 2008)
- Psalm 4: Ambiguity and Resolution (Goldingay, 2006)
- Psalm 51:16a [14a, ET] (Goldingay, 1978)
- Psalmic Worship (Grant)
- Psalms – Introduction (Goldingay, 2014)
- Psalms – Introduction (Goldingay, 2015)
- Psalms (Bibledex)
- Psalms and Christian Identity (Grant, 2014)
- Psalms Commentaries and Resources at Precept-Austin
- Psalms Course Notes (Goldingay, 2013)
- Psalms in Israel’s Worship (Brueggemann)
- Psalms Lecture Series (Waltke)
- Psalms Lecture Series (Waltke)
- Psalms Lecture Series Outline Notes (Waltke)
- Psalms of Confession (Goldingay)
- Psalms of Lament (Goldingay, 2016)
- Psalms of Protest (Goldingay)
- Psalms of Thanksgiving (Goldingay)
- Psalms of Trust (Goldingay)
- Psalms of Vengeance (Brueggemann, 2010)
- Psalms Resources (Goldingay)
- Psalms: A Guide to Site Resources
- Psalms: Response to Questions (Goldingay)
- Psalms: Rough and Working Bibliography (Hildebrandt, 2005)
- Punctured (Alison, 2007)
- Putting on Christ: Spiritual Formation and the Drama of Discipleship (Vanhoozer, 2015)
- Q&A With Stanley Hauerwas (Hauerwas, 2002)
- Read Scripture: Exodus 1-18 (Bible Project)
- Read Scripture: Exodus 19-40 (Bible Project)
- Read Scripture: Genesis 1-11 (Bible Project)
- Read Scripture: Genesis 12-50 (Bible Project)
- Read Scripture: Jeremiah (Bible Project)
- Read Scripture: Psalms (Bible Project)
- Reading Exodus with a Strategy (Longman III, 2009)
- Reading Notes: Theological Epistemology (Vanhoozer, 2016)
- Reading Scripture as a Coherent Story (Bauckham, 2003)
- Reading Scriptures Together: An Abrahamic Practice for Today (Ford, 2011)
- Reading the Beatitudes from a Center in Christ (Hunsinger, 2015)
- Reading the Psalms Canonically (Gordon Wenham, 2006)
- Reading the Psalms Ethically (Gordon Wenham, 2006)
- Reading the Psalms Messianically (Gordon Wenham, 2006)
- Reading the Signs (Is. 7:10-16; Ps. 80:1-7, 17-19; Rom. 1:1-7; Matt. 1:18-25) (Alison, 2007)
- Real Presence an Ecumenical Perspective 1: Christ in Scripture (Boersma, 2017)
- Real Presence an Ecumenical Perspective 2: Christ in the Eucharist (Boersma, 2017)
- Real Presence an Ecumenical Perspective 3: Christ in the Church (Boersma, 2017)
- Reason and Natural Law (Pope, 2007)
- Reason, Faith and Homosexual Acts (Finnis)
- Recent Trends in Psalms Study (Howard, 1999)
- Recent Work on Barth: A Survey of Literature Since 1975 (Webster, 1982)
- Recommended Resources on the Psalms – Four articles (Reymond, 2014)
- Refoming the Evangelical Conscience, Review of J. Daryl Charles, The Unformed Conscience of Evangelicalism: Recovering the Church’s Moral Vision, (Boersma, 2003).
- Reformation Day Lectures on Ephesians at Covenant College (Webster, 2008)
- Reforming Public Theology: Neocalvinism and Pluralism (James KA Smith, 2016)
- Reinhard Huetter on his research (Hutter, 2016)
- Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment (Witte, 2005)
- Religion and the Roots of Climate Change Denial: A Catholic Perspective (Pope, 2015)
- Remarks at Final Plenary Session of Lambeth Conference (Ford, 2008)
- Remembering John Howard Yoder (1927-1997), (Hauerwas, 1998)
- Repetition and Variation in the Psalms (Goldingay, 1978)
- Resources for Exploring the Psalms (from Fuller)
- Resources on the Psalms from Monergism
- Response at SBL/AAR to Panel on Jesus & The Eyewitnesses (Bauckham)
- Response to “A Common Word Between Us and You” (Ford, 2007)
- Response to Margaret Mitchell’s Paper “Patristic Counter-Evidence to the Claim that Gospels were written for all Christians” (Bauckham, 2003)
- Response to Stanley Grenz on Canon & Criterion (Abraham, 2001)
- Response to William Abraham, “God as an Agent” (Middleton, 2017)
- Resurrection – Paul and the Gospels (3 of 3) (NT Wright, 1999)
- Resurrection (2 of 3) (NT Wright, 1999)
- Resurrection and the Senses: In Defence of Thomas (O’Donovan, 2016)
- Resurrection: Current Questions (1 of 3) (NT Wright, 1999)
- Rethinking Life after Death (NT Wright, 2012)
- Rethinking the Role of Scripture in Christian Ethics: A Précis of Singing the Ethos of God (Brian Brock, 2008)
- Revelation and Christian Hope: Political Implications of the Revelation to John (NT Wright, 2010)
- Review of “What Are They Saying About Moral Norms?” by Richard Gula (Meilaender, 1983)
- Review of NT Wright, Paul and the Faithfulness of God (Hurtado, 2014)
- Reviving the Stairway to Heaven (Matt Jenson, 2011)
- Richard Bauckham on Jesus and The Eyewitnesses: Interview with Chris Tilling (Bauckham, 2006)
- Richard Bauckham Online Resources
- Richard Bauckham Website Resources (Bauckham)
- Rights, Law and Political Community (Lockwood O’Donovan, 2003)
- Rights, Resistance & Revolution in the Western Tradition: Early Protestant Foundations (Witte,2008)
- Risk and Fulfillment (Is. 63:7-9; Ps. 148; Heb.2:10-18; Matt. 2:13-23) (Alison, 2007)
- Robert Wright on Nassau
- Romans: Introduction (NT Wright, 2016)
- Roundtable Discussion on the Atonement (McCall, Peeler, Williams, 2014)
- Rudolf Bultmann: An Introductory Interpretation (Webster, 1980)
- Rupture, Transformation and Continuity in the Tradition of Reason and Justice (Finnis, 2013)
- Sacrifice, Law & The Catholic Faith: Is Secularity Really the Enemy? (Alison, 2006)
- SAET Interviews in Politics and Theology #5: Oliver O’Donovan (O’Donovan, 2010)
- Saint Mark, violence, and the discipline of reading— A sermon by Oliver O’Donovan (O’Donovan, 2008)
- Salvation Applied (Fred Sanders, 2013)
- Salvation by Trust?: Reading the Bible Faithfully (Hays, 1997)
- Same-Sex Unions (1): What Constitutes A Faithful Reading of Scripture? (Humphrey)
- Same-Sex Unions (2): What Is Disordered Sexuality? (Humphrey)
- Same-Sex Unions (3): How Is Homosexuality Understood in Scripture, Tradition, and Contemporary Theology? (Humphrey)
- Same-Sex Unions (4): What Would It Mean for the Church to Bless Same-Sex Unions? (Humphrey)
- Sanctification (O’Donovan, 2017)
- Saving Karl Barth: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Preoccupation (Long, 2014
- Saving Souls in the Twenty-first Century: A Missiological Midrash on John Wesley (Abraham, 2003)
- Saving the “Secular”: The Public Vocation of Moral Theology (Biggar, 2009 )
- Scotland response to Nassau
- Scotland Response to Towards An Anglican Covenant
- Scott Bader-Saye Online Resources
- Scripture & Tradition (Humphrey, 2013)
- Scripture and Christian Ethics (O’Donovan, 2007)
- Scripture and the Company She Keeps (6 videos) (Humphrey, 2016)
- Secularism, Law and Public Policy (Finnis, 2003)
- Secularism, Morality & Politics [comments on Some Questions Regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life] (Finnis, 2003)
- Separation of Church and State: There Is No Wall (Witte, 2012)
- Sept 11th: A Pacifist Response (Hauerwas, 2002)
- Sermon (Brueggemann, 2014)
- Sermon on Jeremiah (Chris Wright, 2014)
- Sermon on Luke 8.37 just before the EU referendum (O’Donovan, 2016)
- Sermon on Psalm 1.3 (Futato, 2014)
- Sermons on Exodus from St George’s Tron (Eric Alexander)
- Sermons on the Pentateuch (Goldingay)
- Setting An Agenda for Political Theology, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary (O’Donovan, 2007)
- Setting An Agenda for Political Theology, Joan Lockwood O’Donovan at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary (Lockwood O’Donovan, 2007)
- Setting An Agenda for Political Theology: Mercy (Webster, 2007)
- Sex and Politics: Bertrand Russell and ‘Human Sexuality’ (Hauerwas, 1978)
- Sex and the Soul (Williams Paris, 2013)
- Sex may be free, but children come with a cost we must accept (Witte, 2008)
- Sexual Identity and the Christian (Yarhouse, 2012)
- Sexual Identity and the Question of Vocation – John 9:1-3 (Yarhouse, 2015)
- Sexuality and Covenant: Intro (Williams Paris, 2012)
- Sexuality and Covenant: While We Were Avoiding the Subject: What’s Going on in the World (and the Church) (Williams Paris, 2012)
- Sexuality and Human Flourishing (Meilaender, 2017)
- Sexuality, Certainty and Salvation (Alison, 2010)
- Sexuality, Certainty and Salvation (Alison, 2010)
- Sharia in the West? What Place for Religious Legal Systems in American or Other Democracies (Witte, 2011)
- Should Doctors Ever Kill? (Biggar and others, 2012)
- Show Us the Father (Alison, 2005)
- Simply Good News (NT Wright, 2015)
- Sin’s Effect in our Lives (Matt Jenson, 2013)
- Sins of Omission: What “Religion and Violence” Arguments Ignore (Cavanaugh, 2004)
- Sola Scriptura (Vanhoozer, 2010)
- Some Caveats about Character: A Response to Stephen Davis (Meilaender, 2001)
- Some thoughts on the Atonement (Alison, 2004)
- Songs of Praise, Lament and Hope (McCracken, 2016)
- Soteriology (Fred Sanders, 2011)
- South Africa response to Nassau
- Spirituality of St. Thomas Aquinas (Cessario, 2010)
- Spluttering up the beach to Nineveh . . . fleeing from the word (Alison, 2001)
- Staggered Vision (Alison, 2005)
- Stan the Man: A Thoroughly Biased Account of a Completely UnObjective Person (excerpts) (Cavanaugh, 2001)
- Stanley Hauerwas (Sarisky, 2012)
- Stanley Hauerwas on Fundamentalism (Hauerwas, 2013)
- Stanley Hauerwas on the Life of a Theologian (Hauerwas, 2010)
- Stanley Hauerwas: An Interview (Hauerwas, 2002)
- Stanley Hauerwas: Celebrity, Theologian & Reviver (2001)
- Stanley Who? An Introduction to Stanley Hauerwas by Alwyn Thomson (Hauerwas)
- Stem Cells and Torture (Meilaender, 2009)
- Stephen Noll Evangelical Commentary on Nassau
- Stephen Noll Proposed Amendment to Nassau
- Strange and Copper on Wales on Nassau
- Strange Fruit: Augustine, Liberalism, and the Good Samaritan (Gregory, 2017)
- Strengthening Message for Martyrs: Revelation 4-6 (Chris Wright, 2012)
- Stretched Hearts (Is.:1-10; Ps. 146:5-10; Lk. 1:47-55; James 5:7-10; Matt. 11:2-11) (Alison, 2007)
- Strong Protagonism and Weak Presence: The Changes in Tone of The Voice of God (Alison, 2007)
- Stuart, Douglas K. Exodus (B&H, 2006).
- Student Q&A at Oklahoma Christian University (NT Wright, 2014)
- Student Questions on the Pentateuch (Goldingay)
- Studying Galatians
- Suffering as The Path to Glory: The Book of Psalms Speaks Today (Futato, 1999)
- Suicide in the Bible (Shemesh, 2009)
- Supererogation and the Riskiness of Human Vulnerability (Brian Brock, 2007)
- Surprising Message for Exiles (Chris Wright, 2012)
- T.F. Torrance on Scripture (Webster, 2009)
- Taking the Plunge: Immersed in Theology (Alison, 2006)
- Tapes from Scotland – Sermons and Talks
- Teaching the Western Just War Tradition (Naval Academy, 2015)
- Teaching the Western Just War Tradition (Reichberg, 2015)
- Teaching the Western Just War Tradition (Turner Johnson, 2015)
- Technological Immortalization and Original Mortality: Karl Barth on the Celebration of Finitude (Song, 2015)
- Terrorism, Forgiveness, and Justice (Abraham, 2014)
- Terrorist Enemies and Just War (Cavanaugh, 2004)
- The “Most High” God and the Nature of Early Jewish Monotheism (Bauckham, 2008)
- The Alleged “Jesus Family Tomb” (Bauckham)
- The Atonement and the Problem of Shame (Stump, 2017)
- The Authenticity of the Apostolic Eyewitness in the New Testament (Bauckham, 2014)
- The Bankruptcy of Scientific Atheism (McGrath, 2015)
- The Betrayal by Technology (Ellul,1992)
- The Bible – Who Cares? (NT Wright, 2014)
- The Bible and Justification in the Reformation (Horton, 2017)
- The Bible and Sanctification in the Reformation (McCall, 2017)
- The Bible and the Body (Felker Jones, 2014)
- The Book of Exodus – Leader’s Notes from St Helen’s, Bishopsgate (2011-12)
- The Book of Exodus Overview (Part 1) (Bible Project)
- The Book of Exodus Overview (Part 2) (Bible Project)
- The Book of Genesis Overview (Part 1) (Bible Project)
- The Book of Genesis Overview (Part 2) (Bible Project)
- The Book of Psalms as the Book of Christ (Shepherd, 1995 PhD)
- The Book of Revelation (Bauckham)
- The Breadth of the Reformed Tradition (Crisp, 2015)
- The Case For Kingship in The Narrative Books And The Psalms (Howard, 1988)
- The Cases of Polygamous Converts (Du Preez)
- The Challenge of Paul for Tomorrow’s World (NT Wright, 2012)
- The Challenge of Pauline Theology (NT Wright, 2015)
- The Christian and Other Religions: The Biblical Evidence (Chris Wright, 1984)
- The Christian World (Moltmann, 2010)
- The Church & Transgender Identity: Some Cautions, Some Possibilities (Cloutier, 2017)
- The Church & Transgender Identity: Some Cautions, Some Possibilities (Luke T. Johnson, 2017)
- The Church as Witnessing Community (Webster, 2001)
- The Church on Earth: The Roots of Community (Gunton, 1993)
- The Common Good: Does it Represent a Political Programme? (O’Donovan, 2017)
- The Concept of Rights in Christian Moral Discourse (Lockwood O’Donovan)
- The Constitutional State and Limitation of Belief (O’Donovan)
- The Contemporary Use of the Imprecatory Psalms (Goldingay)
- The Correct Doctrine of Christ (Fred Sanders, 2012)
- The Counterworld of the Psalms (Brueggemann, 2012)
- The Covenant of Marriage: Its Biblical Roots, Historical Influences, and Modern Uses (Witte, 2011)
- The Creation Theme in Genesis 1 and Psalm 104 (Goldingay)
- The Cross and Tomorrow’s Church and World (Lecture 4) (NT Wright, 2016)
- The Crucified God: AAR Interview with Moltmann Part 1 (Moltmann, 2015)
- The Crucifixion of Religion (Moltmann)
- The Death Penalty Assessed: A Book Review (Meilaender, Hauerwas, Budziszweski, Westmoreland-White, Stassen, 2006)
- The Decline of Marriage – Review of From Sacrament to Contract: Marriage, Religion, and Law in the Western Tradition by John Witte, Jr (Cessario, 1998)
- The Decline of Progress and the Prospects for Christian Hope (Bauckham, 1999)
- The Delay of the Parousia (Bauckham, 1979)
- The Difference Christ Makes (Wells, 2013 on Hauerwas)
- The Dignity of Human Persons (Meilaender, 2016)
- The Disappearance of Punishment: Metaphors, Models & The Meaning of the Atonement (Boersma, 2003)
- The Distinction Between Killing and Allowing to Die (Meilaender, 1976)
- The Ecclesiologies of Medellin and the Lessons of the Base Communities (Cavanaugh, 1994)
- The Election of Grace: A Riddle Without Resolution? (Kantzer Lectures) (Stephen Williams, 2009)
- The Elements of A Christian Ethic (Biggar & Orr, 2016)
- The emergence of canonical theism (Abraham, 2008)
- The End of Just War: Why Christian Realism Requires Nonviolence (Hauerwas, 2016)
- The End of Sexuality Identity (Williams Paris, 2012)
- The End of Wesleyan Theology (Abraham, 2005)
- The Eschatological Meaning of Jesus’ Resurrection as a Historical Event: A Comparison of the Views of Wolfhart Pannenberg and N.T. Wright (Bang, 2014)
- The Ethicist as Theologian (Hauerwas, 1975)
- The Family of God in the Epistle to the Hebrews (Peeler, 2015)
- The First of Institutions (Meilaender, 1997)
- The Foundations and Frontiers of Religious Liberty (Witte, 2007)
- The Four Gospels and the Other “Gospels”: Is Our Canon Right? (Bauckham)
- The fruit of the Spirit (Webster, 2015)
- The Fulcrum of Discovery or: how the “gay thing” is good news for the Catholic Church (Alison, 2009)
- The Future of Marriage (Witte, 2008)
- The Future of Theology (Moltmann, 2016)
- The God We Worship: A Liturgical Theology (Kantzer Lectures) (Wolterstorff, 2013)
- The God Who Graciously Elects: Seven Lectures on the Doctrine of God (Kantzer Lectures) (McCormack, 2011)
- The Good News and the Good Life: An Evening Conversation with NT Wright and Richard Hays (NT Wright & Hays, 2016)
- The Good News and the Good Life: Highlights of An Evening Conversation with NT Wright and Richard Hays (NT Wright & Hays, 2016)
- The Good of Marriage and the Morality of Sexual Relations: Some Philosophical and Historical Observations (Finnis, 1997)
- The Gospel of Matthew: Reconfigured Torah (Hays, 2005)
- The Gospel vs Scripture? Biblical theology & The Debate About Rites of Blessing [interview] (Brueggemann, 2002)
- The Gospels as Historical Biography (Bauckham, 2016)
- The Gospels as Historical Biography (Bauckham)
- The Gospels as Histories: What Sort of History Are They? (Bauckham)
- The Gospels as History from Below (Part 1) (Bauckham, 2016)
- The Gospels as History from Below (Part 2) (Bauckham, 2016)
- The Gospels as Micro History and Perspectival History (Bauckham, 2016)
- The Holy Spirit: A Long and Fruitful Career (Horton, 2016)
- The Human Person, Economics & Catholic Social Thought (Lockwood O’Donovan, 2014)
- The Human Person, Economics & Catholic Social Thought (O’Donovan, 2014)
- The Humility of the Son of God (Sonderegger, 2013)
- The Identity of the Holy Spirit: A Problem in Trinitarian Theology (Webster, 1983)
- The Image of God and the Sacraments of the Church: The Practice of Divine Friendship (Cessario, 2006)
- The Image of God Ruined and Restored (NT Wright, 2013)
- The Image of God Ruined and Restored: The Statue Comes to Life (NT Wright, 2013)
- The Imitation of Christ (Webster, 1986)
- The Importance of Being Catholic: A Protestant View (Hauerwas, 1990)
- The Inhuman Use of Human Beings: A Statement on Embryo Research by the Ramsey Colloquium (Hauerwas, signatory, 1995))
- The Introduction of Being Entirely – Creation out of Nothing (Webster, 2015)
- The Just Limits of Love (or Why an Ethic of Pure Benevolence Is Not Sufficient for Morality) (Wolterstorff, 2016)
- The Kingdom of God (NT Wright, 2015)
- The Language of Rights and Conceptual History (O’Donovan, 2009)
- The Law (Stuart)
- The Law Lecture Transcript (Stuart)
- The Legacy of Barth and Bultmann (Webster, 1983)
- The Legacy of the Scottish Independence Referendum (Biggar, 2016)
- The Legal Challenges of Religious Polygamy (Witte, 2008)
- The Letter and the Spirit of Barth’s doctrine of election: a response to Michael O’Neil (Crisp, 2007)
- The Letter of Athanasius to Marcellinus on the Interpretation of the Psalms
- The Life of God and the Christian Life: Thinking into the Mystery (Ayres, 2014)
- The Literary Structure of the Song of Songs Redevivus (Davidson, 2003)
- The Liturgies of Church and State (Cavanaugh, 2005)
- The Liturgy of Abundance, The Myth of Scarcity (Brueggemann, 1999)
- The main witnesses in the Bible’s accounts of Jesus (Bauckham)
- The Making Of A People – Bible Study Notes on Exodus (Goldingay, 1988)
- The Man of War and the Suffering Servant: The Old Testament and the Theology of Liberation (Goldingay)
- The Meanings of History: Event and Interpretation in the Bible and Theology (NT Wright, 2017)
- The Meanings of Marriage (Witte, 2002)
- The Message of Book III of the Psalms (Kaiser, 2016)
- The Message of the Psalms (Goldingay)
- The Messiah of Psalm 80 (Kaiser, 2016)
- The Naked Public Square Now [Symposium] (Hauerwas, 2004)
- The nation state and the case for remaining in the EU (Biggar 2016)
- The Natural Ethic (O’Donovan, 1979)
- The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit in the Pentateuch (Davidson, 2016)
- The Nature of Family, The Family of Nature: The Surprising Liberal Defense of the Traditional Family in the Enlightenment (Witte, 2015)
- The Nature of the Atonement (Stump, 2014)
- The Nature of the Church: Apostolic, Conciliar and Concrete (Humphrey, 2015)
- The New Age Theology of Matthew Fox: A Christian Theological Response (Bauckham, 1996)
- The New Atheism (Abraham, 2014)
- The New Freedom of Public Religion (Witte, 2006)
- The New Testament Speaks on Same-Sex Eroticism (Humphrey, 2003)
- The One Person of Jesus Christ (Fred Sanders, 2013)
- The Original Hymnal (Thirty Seconds or Less)
- The Other Way Lecture 1 (Brueggemann, 2009)
- The Other Way Lecture 2 (Brueggemann, 2009)
- The Other Way Lecture 3 (Brueggemann, 2009)
- The Other Way Lecture 4 (Brueggemann, 2009)
- The Other Way Lecture 5 (Brueggemann, 2009)
- The Other Way Lecture 6 (Brueggemann, 2009)
- The pain and the endgame: reflections on a whimper (Alison, 2009)
- The Passion of God Himself: the Cry of Dereliction in Barth’s Theology (McCormack, 2015)
- The Pastor Theologian as Public Theologian (Vanhoozer, 2015)
- The Pastoral Resources of the Psalms (Emily Brink & John Bell, 2012)
- The Paul of History and the Apostle of Faith (NT Wright, 1978)
- The People of Psalm 83 (Kaiser, 2016)
- The People, Populism, and the Church in the Era of Trump (Bretherton, 2017)
- The Perils of A Wesleyan Systematic Theologian (Abraham, 1982)
- The Perils of Celibacy: Clerical Marriage and the Protestant Reformation (Witte, 2002)
- The Person and Work of Christ Revisited: In Conversation with Karl Barth (Christopher Holmes, 2013)
- The Philosophical Contradictions of the Transgender Worldview (Anderson, 2018)
- The Physician as Political Actor: Late Abortion and the Strictures of Liberal Moral Discourse (Brian Brock, 2006)
- The Political Theology of President George W. Bush (Abraham, 2007)
- The Political Thought of the Book of Revelation (O’Donovan, 1986)
- The Portal and the Half-Way House: Spacious imagination and aristocratic belonging (Alison, 2011)
- The Power of Lament (Brueggemann, 2010)
- The Power of the Psalms (Gordon Wenham, 2013)
- The Practical Theology of David Ford: Interview with David Cunningham (Ford, 2003)
- The Priestly pattern of Creation and a fraudulent reading of St Paul: A Catholic reads some Pauline texts in the light of Mimetic Theory (Alison, 2009)
- The Priority of Persons Revisited (Finnis)
- The Problem of Paradox in Analytic Christology (Coakley, 2017)
- The Promise and Prospects of Retrieval: Recent Developments in Dogmatics (Webster, 2014)
- The Prophetic Tradition of the Hebrew Bible (Brueggemann, 2014)
- The Psalms and Current Study (Howard, 2009)
- The Psalms as an Invitation into a Spiral Relationship with God (Goldingay)
- The Psalms as Christian Lament (Waltke, Houston & Moore, 2014)
- The Puzzles of the Cross (Lecture 1) (NT Wright, 2016)
- The Question of “Gay” Carers. Latimer Comment 55 (O’Donovan, 1994)
- The Reclamation of Creation (Fretheim, 1991)
- The Regula Fidei and Scripture: 2009 Burns Lectures at Otago University (Jenson, 2009)
- The Relatives of Jesus (Bauckham, 1996)
- The Relevance of Revelation (Bauckham, 1996)
- The Renewal of United Methodist Doctrine and the Revitalization of Evangelism (Abraham, 1992)
- The Repentance of God: A Study of Jeremiah 18.7-10 (Fretheim, 1987)
- The Restoration of All Things (Moltmann, 2009)
- The Right Reason for Caesar to Confess Christ as Lord: Oliver O’Donovan and arguments for the Christian State by David McIlroy (2008)
- The Role of Religious Ethics in Contemporary Liberal Society (Biggar, 2013)
- The Role of the Psalms in the Life of the Church (Gordon Wenham, 2013)
- The Role of the Spirit in the Apocalypse (Bauckham, 1980)
- The Royal Revolution: Fresh Perspectives on the Cross (NT Wright, 2017)
- The Sacrifices of War and the Sacrifice of Christ (Hauerwas, 2015)
- The Same God? Karl Barth on the Relation of Islam to Christianity (McCormack, 2016)
- The Savior Enters In – A Sermon (O’Donovan, 2004)
- The Sending of the Spirit (Horton, 2016)
- The Sermon on The Mount in Leonardo Boff and John Paul II: Law, Eros and the Kingdom (Cavanaugh, 2005)
- The shape of daring imagination: coming out and coming home (Alison, 2007)
- The Shape of our Sin (Matt Jenson, 2007)
- The Shortcomings of Subjective Human Rights (Lockwood O’Donovan)
- The Significance of the Plagues in the Narrative of Exodus (Gatiss, 2005)
- The Spirit’s Breath: A review of The Bible in English: Its History and Influence, by David Daniell (Cessario, 2004)
- The Splendor of Truth: A Symposium [with David Burrell] (Hauerwas, 1994)
- The Stage, The Story & The Script, Asbury Theological Seminary, 15 Mar 2007 (Vanhoozer, 2007)
- The State of the Union with Christ in St. Paul and in Protestant Soteriology (Vanhoozer, 2010)
- The Sting in the Psalms (Goldingays, John & Kathleen, 2013)
- The Structure of the Psalms (Kaiser, 2016)
- The Structure of the Psalms (Russell, 2015)
- The Study of Gospel Traditions Outside the Canonical Gospels: Problems and Prospects (Bauckham, 1985)
- The Sunflower: Guilt, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation (Stump, 2017)
- The Testament of Friends (Hauerwas, 1990)
- The Text This Week: Exodus (General Resources)
- The Text This Week: Exodus (Specific Texts)
- The Text This Week: Jeremiah (General Resources)
- The Text This Week: Jeremiah (Specific Texts)
- The Text This Week: Psalms (General Resources)
- The Text This Week: Psalms 1-75 (Specific Texts)
- The Text This Week: Psalms 76-150 (Specific Texts)
- The Theology of Evangelism: The Heart of the Matter (Abraham, 1994)
- The Theology of First John (Fred Sanders, 2013)
- The Theology of Sexuality In the Beginning: Genesis 1-2 (Davidson, 1988)
- The Theology of Sexuality In the Beginning: Genesis 3 (Davidson, 1988)
- The Transformation of Persons and the Concept of Moral Order: A Study of the Evangelical Ethics of Oliver O’Donovan with special reference to the Barth-Brunner Debate (Baker, 2010)
- The Transformative Power of the Psalms (Brueggemann, 2014)
- The Trinity and the Moral Life (In Memory of John Webster) (O’Donovan, 2016)
- The Triumph of Divine Resolve: A Good Friday Sermon (Webster, 2001)
- The Turn to Drama: A Proposal for a Sapiential Apologetic (Vanhoozer, 2014)
- The Two Natures of Jesus Christ (Fred Sanders, 2013)
- The Uncontrollable Mystery on the Bestial Floor (Webster, 1985)
- The Unfreedom of the Free Market (Cavanaugh, 2003)
- The Value of Atonement (Stump, 2010)
- The Very American Stanley Hauerwas (Webb, 2002)
- The Virgin Birth: Where Dogma and History Meet? (Crisp, 2017)
- The Virtue of Joy (Meilaender, 2013)
- The Virtues of Alasdair MacIntyre (Hauerwas, 2007)
- The Way of the Word – A Sermon (O’Donovan, 2003)
- The Wesleyan Quadrilateral in the American Methodist-Episcopal Tradition (Abraham, 1985)
- The Women at the Tomb: The Credibility of their Story (Bauckham)
- The World in a Wafer: A Geography of the Eucharist as Resistance to Globalization (Cavanaugh, 1999)
- The Yasukini Shrine: On Shame, Guilt, and Forgiveness (Biggar, 2016)
- Themes in Genesis (Stuart)
- Themes in Genesis Lecture Transcript (Stuart)
- Theological and Historical Stage Setting (Abraham)
- Theological Education: Healing the Blind Beggar (Brueggemann, 1986)
- Theological Reflection and The Limits of Politics: Engaging the Mind of Elshtain on Sovereignty (Meilaender, 2015)
- Theological Wisdom, British Style (Ford, 2000)
- Theology & Global Conflict: An Interview With George Hunsinger (Hunsinger, 2006)
- Theology & Neuroscience (Abraham, 2011)
- Theology & The Four Principles of Bioethics (Finnis, 1993)
- Theology and Chaplaincy in a Multi-Faith Context: A Manifesto (Ford, 2011)
- Theology and Neuroethics (Messer, 2013)
- Theology and Political Theory (Hauerwas & Larsen, 2012)
- Theology as Knowledge (Hauerwas, 2006, symposium with others)
- Theology as Queen of Hospitality (Boersma, 2007)
- Theology as Survival (Alison, 2013)
- Theology in Stories: C.S. Lewis and the Narrative Quality of Experience (1981)
- Theology in the Book of Hebrews (Peeler, 2017)
- Theology Live with Stanley Hauerwas (Hauerwas, 2013)
- Theology of Hope: Critiques and Questions (Love: The Foundation of Hope, Part 2) (Moltmann, 1988)
- Theology of Joy (Moltmann, 2014)
- Theology of Sexuality in the Song of Songs: Return to Eden (Davidson, 1989)
- Theology of the Pastoral Epistles (Fred Sanders, 2015)
- Theology of the Trinity (Fred Sanders, 2013)
- There Are No Just Wars: David Rodin and Oliver O’Donovan’s Divergent Critiques of a Tradition by David A. Hoekema (2008)
- Theses on canonical theism (Abraham, 2008)
- Thomas Aquinas: A Doctor For The Ages (Cessario, 1999).
- Those with eyes to see (Alison, 2005)
- Threat of Torture Plays with More Minds than You Might Have Imagined (Cavanaugh)
- Three Holy Week Sermons (Alison, 2007)
- Through Every Human Heart (Notre Dame Conference, 2017)
- Thunderstorms Threaten the Unity of United Methodism (Abraham, 2015)
- Tom Wright on Epistemology, Eschatology, and Apocalyptic (NT Wright, 2018)
- Top 5 Commentaries on Exodus by Keith Mathison (2008)
- Top 5 Commentaries on Jeremiah by Keith Mathison (2008)
- Top 5 Commentaries on Psalms by Keith Mathison (2008)
- Toward A Theology of Resurrection (Sonderegger, 2015)
- Towards a Reformed Pneumatology (Crisp, 2014)
- Towards a Reformed Pneumatology Q&A (Crisp & Barbeau, 2014)
- Towards An Anglican Covenant – Paper for JSC
- Towards an Interpretation of Biblical Ethics (O’Donovan, 1975)
- Transcendence and Alienation (Meilaender)
- Transcript of Poison or Cure?: Religious Belief in the Modern World (McGrath, 2007 with Christopher Hitchens)
- Transgender Q&A (Yarhouse, 2017)
- Transgender: My Struggle with Gender Dysphoria (Selmys, 2017)
- Translation of The Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings) (Goldingay)
- Translation of The Latter Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Minor Prophets) (Goldingay)
- Translation of The Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy) (Goldingay)
- Translation of The Writings (Goldingay)
- Trinitarian Action & Inseperable Operations (Holmes, 2014)
- Trinity & Politics: An Apophatic Approach (Kilby, 2014)
- Trinity Doctrine, Plain & Simple (McCall, 2014)
- Truth-Telling & Peacemaking: A Reflection on Ezekiel (Brueggemann, 1998)
- Truthfulness and Continual Discomfort (Herdt, 2013 on Hauerwas)
- Turning Philosophical Water into Theological Wine (Abraham, 2013)
- Two Concepts of Dignity (Meilaender, 2014)
- Unbinding the Gay Conscience (Alison, 2002)
- Understanding Gender Dysphoria (Yarhouse, 2016)
- Understanding the Old Testament Lectures (House)
- Understanding the Old Testament Workbook (House)
- Understanding the Transgender Phenomenon (Yarhouse, 2015)
- United Methodists at the end of the Mainline (Abraham, 1998)
- Universalism: A historical survey (Bauckham, 1979)
- Unmasking the Inevitable (Brueggemann, 2001)
- USA response to Nassau
- Utility, Prudence and Care: Three concepts at the heart of the practice of clinical medicine (O’Donovan, 2012)
- Video Psalms (Thirty Seconds or Less)
- Violence undone: James Alison on Jesus as forgiving victim (Alison, 2006)
- Virtue (Porter, 2005)
- Virtue Ethics and its Significance for Spirituality (Porter)
- Vocation and Christian Doctrine: A Response to John Stackhouse (Crisp, 2014)
- Voicing God’s Psalms: How to hear God talking, live, to anyone who will listen (Seerveld, 2005)
- Wales response to Nassau
- Walter Brueggemann Online Resources
- Wandering in Darkness: Further Reflections (Stump, 2012)
- Wandering in Darkness: The Problem of Suffering (Stump & Hardwig, 2016)
- War- A Changing Moral Map (Williams, 2013)
- War, Peace & Jean Bethke Elshtain (Hauerwas, 2003, with Paul J. Griffiths)
- We didn’t invent sacrifice, sacrifice invented us: unpacking Girard’s insight (Alison, 2013)
- Weakness – Paul’s and Ours (Bauckham, 1982)
- Welcoming in the Gentiles: A Biblical Model for Decision-Making (2004)
- West Africa response to Nassau
- West Indies response to Nassau
- What A Tangled Web We Weave (Matt Jenson, 2015)
- What are Human Rights? Where do they come from? (Meilaender, 2011)
- What are the moral limits of embryo and embryonic stem cell research? (Song, 2001)
- What Are Theologians For? Why Doctors of the Church Prescribe Christian Doctrine (Vanhoozer, 2014)
- What are universities for? (Biggar, 2011)
- What Can We Do?: Human Agency, Neuroscience and Freedom (Abraham, 2009)
- What did resurrection mean in the first century? (NT Wright, 2008)
- What Does It Mean to be Human? (Hauerwas, 2013)
- What Is A “Theology of Genesis”? (Moberly, 2009)
- What Is Christianity’s Contribution to Ethics? (Herdt, 2011)
- What Is Gender Dysphoria? (Yarhouse, 2017)
- What Is Marriage For?: Tracing God’s Plan from Genesis to Revelation (NT Wright, 2015)
- What is the context of the Psalms? (Futato, 2014)
- What is the gospel? (Horton, 2012)
- What is the gospel? (NT Wright, 2013)
- What is the point of the cross of Jesus? (O’Donovan)
- What Makes Theology Theological (Webster, 2015)
- What Marriage Does (Witte, 2011)
- What Role Ought the Bible to Play in Christian Ethics? ‘Developing a Hermeneutic’ vs. ‘Immersion in Tradition’ (Brian Brock, 2007)
- What Should We Say About “Genocide” in the Bible? (Hofreiter, 2014)
- What sorts of difference does René Girard make to how we read the Bible? (Alison, 2009)
- What the Bible Really Says About Tradition (Humphrey, 2013)
- What Trinitarian Theology is For: Placing Doctrine of the Trinity in Christian Theology & Life (Sanders, 2014)
- What Would Jeremiah Say? (Goldingay)
- What’s At Stake in Current Debates Over Justification: The Crisis of Protestantism in the West (McCormack, 2003)
- What’s Love Got to do with It? The Politics of the Cross (Hauerwas, 2015)
- What’s Wrong with Rights? Christian Perspectives Pro and Con (Hauerwas, 2014)
- Wheaton Theology Conference Panel (NT Wright 2010 with Begbie, Bockmuehl, Vanhoozer & Humphrey
- When Enough is Enough: Why God’s abundant life won’t fit in a shopping cart, and other mysteries of consumerism (Cavanaugh, 2005)
- When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment (Anderson, 2017)
- When the Healing We Hope for Doesn’t Come (Abraham, 2013)
- When The Politics of Jesus Makes A Difference (Hauerwas, 1993)
- When Words Escape Us (Thirty Seconds or Less)
- Where Science, Theology and Ethics Collide: The Case of the Human Brain (Messer, 2013)
- Whither Oliver O’Donovan? by James K.A. Smith (2013)
- Who has influenced me? (Vanhoozer, 2012)
- Whose explanation? Which context?: A narrative theological study of the rationale for divine action in the Exodus plagues narrative (William Ford, Durham PhD, 2005)
- Why and How Paul Invented “Christian Theology” (NT Wright, 2014)
- Why Does Doctrine Matter? (Abraham, 2014)
- Why Does Jesus’ Resurrection Matter? (NT Wright, 2008)
- Why Does Jesus’ Resurrection Matter? (NT Wright, 2013)
- Why Does Jesus’ Resurrection Matter? Q&A (NT Wright, 2008)
- Why God Won’t Go Away (McGrath, 2011)
- Why History Matters for Christianity (Bauckham)
- Why Philosophy of Religion? (Abraham)
- Why Prima Scriptura (7 videos) (Humphrey, 2016)
- Why Religious Diversity is a Bad Idea (Hauerwas, 2015)
- Why should theological study be a primary occupation for the Christian minister? (Webster, 2014)
- Why T.F. Torrance was a Barthian (Hunsinger, 2008)
- Why the Psalms Matter (NT Wright, 2014)
- Why The Torture Abuse Scandal Matters (Hunsinger, 2005)
- Why Two in One Flesh: The Western Case for Monogamy Over Polygamy (Witte, 2013)
- William Abraham Online Resources
- Wisdom and Royalist/Zion Traditions in the Psalter (Howard, 1997)
- Witnessing in Freedom: Resisting commodification of the image (Felker Jones, 2015)
- Women and the Church Response to Nassau
- Word & World Issue on Jeremiah (2002)
- Wordcare – Hauerwas, Language and the Church
- World-Formative Christianity (Wolterstorff)
- Worship as Public Legal Pedagogy: Interview with Joan Lockwood O’Donovan (Lockwood O’Donovan, 2016)
- Worship in a violent world (Alison, 2004)
- Wrath and the gay question: on not being afraid, and its ecclesial shape (Alison, 2006)
- Wrestling with God and Men (Alison, 2004)
- Wrighting the Wrongs of the Reformation? (Vanhoozer, 2010)
- Writing The Apostolic Faith And Escaping Ritschl’s Long Shadow – A Theological Memoir (Yeago, 2015)
- Yes, but is it true…? (Alison, 2003)
- You’re Included – How God Became King (Part 1) (NT Wright, 2013)
- You’re Included – How God Became King (Part 2) (NT Wright, 2013)
- YouTube Theology